A/N (but important if u want updates)

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So hey guys!!

Never done an authors note which is alone before :/

So let's start off with how are you!

Hope yall r goooot and just a little note to say why my updates are slowing down 🌺.

So, a lot of you have seen my messages I post and maybe some haven't but yeah, if you haven't here's the reason:

My end of year exams are coming up and they are quite important to me.

They are in 3 weeks exact.

I have to sit in 14 examinations and my grades depend fully on them.

And my revision is being distracted because I'm trying to cram in my social life (wattpad, Instagram, snapchat... Etc) inside a small amount of time because I need a lot of time to revise since there's so much. 🌹

Besides work I go for runs to keep healthy.

I come home from school really late (because parents work) so time is limited.

So that's it really I just wanted to explain fully why the next update is also going to be one or two weeks away. Sorry Guys!! Please understand :(

So yeah. I've got some book recommendations while you're waiting:

• Rooming with the Bad Boy (my fave)
• The Trainers Girl
• The Bad Boys Girl
• A Nerds Romance
• Lets Play Dare
• My new book - He Finally Realised

Hope these amaze books (not mine haha) keep you busy for a week or two and again apologies for the break! Xxx

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