Chapter 6

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The next day went through in a blur and it was the weekend.
I invited a couple of friends over, including Jake. I wanted to see how sensitive he is to my closest of friends. At first the room was filled with silence but soon a conversation fell into place and everyone was exploding in laughter.

I giggled my way to the kitchen and bought three bowls of junk food and passed them around the small circle.

"So, you two a thing yet?" Melissa said in a sly manner. I told her before she came to not make things awkward by mentioning that, but obviously, it was her job not to listen to me.

Jake laughed, and a sour taste filled my mouth and I gaged. All the girls gasped, and I only just realised that it seemed to them that I had gaged to the thought of us dating. I quickly stopped and said,

"Sorry, crisps got stuck down my throat"

Mel have me a 'yeah right' look and lucky Paley believed me and broke the death stare.

"I - I don't know if I can really imagine us together" I peered slowly over to Jake who had a shy smile at the end of his lips. He looked disappointed.

"Yeah, um" he seemed so upset by what I said I had to change the subject. I couldn't stand that look on his face. It made me upset.

"Anyways.... You guys up for a film?

They all decided to stay over since mum allowed it. We watched movies all night and chomped on pizza at 1am. I fell asleep on Jakes chest and the others snoozed on some pillows on the sofa.
We woke up in a big tangled mess, resulting with everyone piled on Jake. He groaned in pain of 5 girls' weight and I quickly tore everyone off and helped him up. Eve ruins burst into laughter leaving me in a confused state. I left my daze and joined in with the giggling.

Hey guys! So how u r all liking it, pls comment some feedback and vote! Anyways, do u think they'll get together or....? Leave it in the comments! Xxx

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