Chapter 21

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When we got home, the doctor had suggested a lot of rest for mum since stress was tiring her out which may have caused her terrifying hallucinations. Me and dad helped her get comfy on the sofa and turned on the TV to make her feel better. The doctor also suggested extra love and care from the family to make mum think we are always there for her, which we are.

After we settled mum down, I went up to my room and got changed into my sports clothes and slid my iPod and headphones into my jogging shorts. It was 27 degrees Celsius so I decided shorts would be convenient. I was just about to open the door to leave after putting on my trainers when dad stopped me.

"Hey Valerie, may-maybe I should cancel my presentation."

"Woah what are you talking about dad you can't do that!"

Dad had been preparing for this one presentation for about 7 months now to see if he can get a promotion in his job as an accountant. He's pretty high up already but he wants more promotions so he can get more money for the family, especially since rose died and we need to plan her funeral.

"Yeah but it's tomorrow at noon. Who will take care of your mum? Make her lunch? You'll be in school, and before you ask no you're not missing school when I have the option of not doing my presentation."

"No dad you've not got an option, you've been preparing for so long! Just let me stay home I'll catch up on work I promise. And we need the money. Remember? Rose?"

He sighed deeply and I waited patiently for his, hopefully, optimistic reply.

"I'll see. I'll think about it overnight okay?"

I smeared a look of dismay across my face.

"I said I'll think! That's better than usual."

"It actually is."

I laughed it off and cleared my mind before jogging out of the house.

Jogging is like the relaxing time for me. I feel like I'm so calm and it's the way I relieve stress. I ran around the park 4 laps before starting my usual route to the next estate and back.

But on the way, the most unexpected person bumped into me. Well, I didn't know who it was but I heard him talking over the phone and he kept on referring to the name Jake. What are you thinking Valerie, there's a million Jakes in the world. Keep moving.
But then something reassured me it was my Jake he was talking about,

"Yes Jake it's Mason, why weren't you picking up the phone? Your cousin or something picked up. No? You have no cousins over? Oh"

Oh no.

"Anyways we'll find out about that later. Where is Rose."

What. The. Actual. Hell.
They have Rose?! I felt a burning passion inside of me that was bursting to come out and spill all over that Mason guy. I was so angry and I didn't know how to control the over loaded feelings but I decided to keep chilled so he wouldn't notice me eavesdropping. This way, I could get more information.

"Okay good, so she's with you? Wait. No maybe that's not the best idea... You do know police are after you right? We can't let them get Ty AND Rose!"

I gasped unknowingly and the man turned around and gave me the most suspicious look. I quickly turned it into a yawn, stretched and sat myself in the nmbench behind me and took out my phone. While I was pretending to tap away, the man decided to continue with the conversation.

"Yeah okay, sorry I thought this stupid girl was listening to us talk, she was just yawning. Brown hair, slim figure, on a run."

There was a pause. I quickly realised he was describing me to Jake. Oh no. I started to speed walk down the road to my house when I heard one last line from the mans phone call.

"You know her?!"



How are you alllllll today?

So this is another small chapter, so I've decided I'm not gonna try and make it long because I update in quite regular intervals, so yeah if u guys don't mind.

Also my end of year exams are coming uppppp. Need to revise and parents said like 10 mins wattpad everyday but don't worry, I'll find a way! (E.g la bus).

So yeah omg what happened in this chapter?! 😱 no seriously I wrote half of it 2 days ago then finished today lol!

But yeah hope u all like itttttt,



And have a nice rest of the day.

Love you xxx

Oh and also I'm gonna start putting number of words at the end of each chapter of i don't remind me just comment or something


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