Chapter 17

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Thanks to an amazing follower, I've got the perfect plot twist to make my story more interesting. And it starts in this chapter so make sure you read carefully! But the worst thing is they deleted their account! I think... I searched for them, found them, clicked and it said user not found?? Anyways if u still are here it was @pigsramazing and she gave me the best idea thanks so much if u were still here on wattpad you would get so much love and credit! Anyways hope u enjoy this chapter.

Make sure to vote! 🎀xxx


Somehow I knew the surprise would be amazing because it was Jake. My hands were held out in front of me like I was imitating zombies and Jakes trustworthy palm was covering my eyes, preventing me from seeing anything.

"Okay okay I get it you don't want me to peak! But please hurry, I'm getting curious every millisecond!"

He slid his arms away slowly and in front of me stood a giant chocolate statue of Jake and I hugging.

"Oh. My. Dear. God I'm gonna faint."

"Do you like it?"


Jakes beautiful green grey eyes fell into a grin of despair.

"I LOVE it!"

Immediately he picked me up and twirled around. The butterflies in my tummy were fighting to get out and my mind was gurgling with excitement.

Once he placed me on the floor I ran to the kitchen and just as I was about to tell my mum about the romantic surprise, there was a knock on the door.

"Oh, I'll get it"

I skipped happily to the door, unlocked the key and my heart stopped. Once I had I caught my breath, I asked,

"Can I help you?"

"Actually, yes you can ma'am,"

My body was almost shaking once I heard his deep husky voice. In front of me stood the most terrifying police officer. His uniform was not the tad bit messy, his hair was neatly combed back showing strikes of gel on the inside.

"Any chance you would know Master Jake Micheals?"

"Depends. What would you need him for?" My dad asked, coming forward to stand just behind me,

"Sorry but, that's our business to handle. If you know him, or where he is, it would be a huge favour to hand him over to the local authorities,"

"And why exactly should we do that officer?" I let my dad do the speaking since I was frozen in fear. Why were they looking for Jake? Is there something he did and didn't tell me? Were all these surprises done to keep my mind away from finding anything out? I stopped asking myself the unanswerable questions and ran into the living room at the other end of my house.

"Jake there's some people-"

I looked around the large living area but caught no sign of Jake. Did he leave knowing they were here? Just as I was about the leave the room, I noticed the far corner window, open. We never opened that window, there was no need since we had air con. He must've heard the officer.

I made my way back to the entrance to find the police officer gone.

"Dad did the- oh you're sat in the kitchen now..."

"I invited Mr..."


"Mr Howard in to explain why they were looking for 'Jake'. I would never hand anyone in without a proper reason."

I stared at the floor before taking a seat next to my mum on the sofa in the corner of our huge kitchen. My mind was still wondering where Jake had gone. Maybe I should text him,

"Hey, erm I'm going to go upstairs and freshen up."

I used the excuse of feeling dirty to make my way to my room and quickly text Jake.

Hey Jake where did u go? I came into the living room to tell u something but u weren't there. I neeed to know Jake. Pls tell me and I have 2 tell u that thing, love u.

I placed the phone down carefully on my bedside table and decided to drift off for a bit and hope that everything will fall into place while I'm asleep. But I knew it wouldn't.


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