Chapter 17

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Aria P.O.V: 

Nicky and I walked across the road nearing the local mall at Ontario. The mall situated in the centre of Ontario held the biggest brands in business with local stores including a pizza place that was my favourite. Memories of my childhood swarmed this area of town and I slowly wished my children could also live out the same cherished memories I held today. The thought of my children made me giddy and made me believe in the hopeless romantic ideas that filled my head everyday. The ideas of Justin and I being together forever and not having these barriers attacking us at ever station. Justin texted me this morning asking if I could meet him in the park at 6pm, he wanted to spend this weekend with me so he asked me to sleepover the whole weekend. That meant three days with gorgeous boy, how was I going to cope? I had no idea! 

"What's wrong Aria? You've barely looked at any clothes since we've been here" 

"It's my Dad" 

"What happened?" 

"He found out about Justin?" 

"How? I promise I didn't tell anyone" 

"No it wasn't you Nicky. It was Joey. He saw me leaving Dad's conference the other day with Justin. We ended up staying at the car park for a while kissing... Joey took pictures and told Dad. Dad was really worried especially with my school grades and was like 'You're messing up all your hard work'. He doesn't believe that Justin is the best thing thats ever happened to me and I can't see myself functioning without him anymore. Justin was so caring when he found out about the situation with my Dad he said I had to agree with him and that he would try his best to see me as much as he could without my Dad finding out" 

"I'll be your alby still Aria. I can see how much you love him Ari"

"Love? You can see that I love him" 

" Of course I can. You eyes sparked when you started talking about Justin. I know you Aria as well I know you don't get upset over silly things" 

"I do love him Nicky. I'm scared he doesn't feel the same" 

"I'm sure he does. If he didn't he wouldn't have comforted the way you told me he did the other day. I'm sure he's confused and trying to figure out how to tell you in his own time and way" 

"I'm sure your right Nicky"

"I always am. Now when did you need an alby?" 

"Tonight at 6pm. I asked Justin last night if we could meet in the park" 


"Dad I'm going to Nicky's now for a sleepover" 

"You spent the whole day with her though" 

"Yeah I know. But I explained to her the situation and I told Justin that I didn't want to see him again... so I sort of need a fun night to take my mind of it" 

"Sure sweetheart. I'm glad you listened. There will be other guys, who deserve you more sweetie and you'll see this Bieber as a useless mistake soon" I nodded, swallowing back a sly comment against him, showing him I was really serious about breaking it off with Justin. Of course I wasn't. I would never do that. 

"Have fun with Nicky Ari" 

"Thanks Dad" I replied as I got my bag full of night clothes and walked out the door. 

I walked across the street, seeing the sun setting in the distant hills. I could see the park now, seeing a family of four in the park. Justin, Pattie, Jazzy and Jaxon ran around the park playing what I assumed as tag. I smiled seeing Justin running. His biceps contracting and relaxing as he jogged ever so slowly so little Jazzy and Jaxon could win. The smile on his face was so bright and laughter was adamant in the air from the whole family.  Justin's eyes focused on me then and his eyes widened as he jogged towards me. I jogged towards him, feeling like I hadn't see him in days when I saw him yesterday. Recent events of distancing myself away from Justin due to my father's wishes was getting me off the edge. 

Once Justin and I met after a short jog, He wrapped his large arms around me, lifting me towards him and twirling me. I giggled seeing him happy, a feeling I rarely ever saw from him. I had my legs wrapped around him, laughing and smiling at him. Justin leaned his forehead against mine, the smile still there. 

"Hi" He lightly whispered, sending goosebumps up my spine. 

"Hi" I replied as I was put on the ground, his arms pulled me closer and kissed me. The kiss sent a shockwave of pleasure to shoot through me, we both smiled as we kissed back. I giggled as I realised who was witnessing the kiss (his family) so I pulled back, earning a sly wink from him. I blushed and took in Justin's family. 

"Ari!!!" Jazzy and Jaxon both screamed. 

"Jazzy, Jaxon" I returned picking Jazzy up as she ran towards me. Jaxon going to Justin. 

"Aria. I'm so glad you could come" Pattie smiled. 

"Me too" I replied. 

I then let hot breath on my neck and a whisper of

"I'm so glad I get to spend this weekend with you" 


hey guys!! 

It's half term... that means more updates woop!!! 

thank you so much for the 38 hearts, I didn't expect that!!! 

please comment and tell me your thoughts. 

Love you all 

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pixiebaby11 xxx 

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