Chapter 7

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"This was a mistake" 



Justin P.O.V:

I couldn't tell anyone what I was. I was always living in a mask. I reflected a glass a lot of time, not letting anyone break me and break down the walls I built after my father died. I always out on an act to hide myself. I was hurting. I knew what I was doing was wrong. I knew I was hurting everyone around me. My brother and sister never properly knew there Dad because of my stupid mistakes. They ask me questions all the time, I'm there. Their bright faces, light me up but I can't relive it anymore, I can't, so I stay quiet and watch there hopefulness fall down. I hurt my mum constantly by putting myself in danger, but it's the only way I know. It would be better if I wasn't there and our Dad was here instead. 

After we left my home planet Echon, I had eye contacts to prevent my eyes from colouring changing according to my mood. I had a massive transformation. After that fatal night, a part of my innocence left, and then 2 years ago another part of my innocence left, Joe was apart that. I swore that day I would never fall in love with girl, because I knew everything I touched turned into fire and I could never keep myself happy. So I put my walls up higher and stayed to only fucking them and leaving them in the morning with no form of contacting the next day. 

But Aria was different. How could I let myself like someone that much? I was always closed off and fucked them and left. I closed myself off to protect myself. She was different, she was so worth it, she was dripping in hotness and perfection.  I have always thought of myself, how could I be so selfish and try to have all to myself when her Dad seemed pretty confident in a guy that he wanted her daughter to date. I kissed Aria. She was -always is gorgeous. I couldn't deny that. I'm scared of putting myself on the line again like that fatal night. She's also got college and her Dad on her back, she couldn't possibly need me there to would she?But I want a forever, I never imagined myself this happy, without drugs or alcohol. She did that. How the fuck did she do that?

I'm not so sure anymore

I want a girl to come home to, a job to support her, a fluffy cute dog, kids and a marriage that is forever and always. I wanted a wife that respected me, she knew how to please me and would be by my side. I wanted that more than anything after all this shit was over. No that's impossible, you're a monster. You wrecked you're family, and you're going to wreck Aria's family if you get involved. You need to get away from her.


Aria's P.O.V:


No texts from Justin

No calls from Justin

No secret make outs in my bedroom at night anymore.

It all stopped. Suddenly. He stopped contacting me altogether. I thought I really got to know him, and we were actually becoming friends but no. I was mistaken. I thought he liked me, but I guess not enough. I accepted Sam's date. I went. It was weird. It got awkward and I could see no chemistry but I was friendly. I hope he didn't get the wrong idea. We kissed at the end, It was so unexpected, the kiss wasn't amazing. What happened?



"Hey Jess" I exclaimed as I saw Jess and Jazzy come out of the ballet school changing rooms.

"Hey Ari" Jess said smiling

"Hey Aria" Jazzy said meekly

"Don't worry Jazzy, he'll come" Jess whispered, although Jazzy could hear it.

Come In Peace *a Justin Bieber alien love story*Where stories live. Discover now