Chapter 3

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You know that's not going to happen between you and me? 

Aria P.O.V:

The rain was pouring I entered Starbucks rubbing my wet shoes on the mat.

"Hey Ari"

Wait.. Whose calling me. I turned and saw Justin. Why did he call me Ari only people close to me called me that.

"Hi Justin" I said. He was wearing a white v-neck, blue skinny jeans and a leather jacket. On a hot a meter I'd be scoring him a 10 right now. (1 being the lowest to 10 being the hottest thing I have seen on Earth)

"How you doing?" He asked as I neared the table and sat opposite him on the small tables.

"I'm good"

"Oh I hope you don't mind I bought you a coffee"

"That's alright. Thanks Justin. I didn't think I'd ever be in a coffee shop with you. I was kinda scared of you"

"Well.. You can't judge someone on first appearances"

We began conversing on our favourites and dreams we wanted.

"So you sing?"

"Yeah.. I love music"

"Wow.. I can see that. You look like you have pipes"

"What about you Bieber? Whats your talents?"

"Ummm.. I've always wanted to be a mechanic when I was younger. As far as talents I'm a mean rapper"

"Oh that sounds really cool. I'd like to hear some time"

"That won't be happening soon. But I'd like to see you sing one time"

"If I sing, you rap"

"Deal. Umm.. What's you're full name?"

"Aria Cleo Williams"

"Justin Drew Bieber"

We both laughed and sipped our coffees.

"Oh you've got a little something there" Justin said but before I could react to his comment his lips crashed to my lips. He kissed on the upper lip and I could feel coffee being exchanged. I kissed back feeling a wave of explosions and fireworks spark through my stomach.


I woke up then. Why did I just dream about kissing Justin? Surely, this wouldn't happen for starters a gorgeous boy like him wouldn't be interested in me! Or would he?

I refused to think about gorgeous boy anymore by picking up my phone.

I had two messages:

You still out of the party Ari :(
If you change you're mind it's at Sam's house at 8pm x

- Nicole

Darling, I'm going to be home tonight so I'll be able to cook you, Joe and Jessica dinner. How about monopoly?- Dad

I smiled as I saw Dads message. Finally he's coming home for us. I know I had friends and siblings but I felt more alone without my Dad or Mum around. I just needed their comfort and having an actual proper conversation and spending time with loved ones always brightened up my day. As for the party, I have plans now. I didn't reply and just waited nearer the time.



"Joe.. Where are you going?"

"To a party"

"I'm guessing Sam's?"

"Yeah you should come" Joe replied while checking himself out one last in the mirror. 

"I would but Dad's asked us all home for a family night in"

"And you actually believed that? Come on! Get you're head out of the clouds Ari! He has hardly any time for us!" He shouted looking at me as he turned around from travelling down the stairs. 

"Well I'm staying for Jess' sake" I said while trying to save myself from Joe's speech on how I should be having fun and not worrying about other people. 

"Sure you are!" Joe said sarcastically as he walked through the front door into his car. I heard the car turn on and start driving to the party destination. I closed the door and then felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. 

It was a new message

Darling, I'm sorry I have to cancel family night in. Hell just broke because of the government and we've had to intervene. Get some money  from the safe for pizza - Dad



"You're going to Grans for a bit. I'll pick you up later"


I was going to that effing party. I deserved it, I wasn't going to mill around for someone who doesn't even want to see me.



Nicole and I downed 3 shots and I could feel the burn of the rich alcohol tickling my throat. I hadn't done for a long time, it felt good to be back but I didn't want to regret it the morning feeling like a shit hole at Jess' ballet recital. We sat on the bar stools right near the bartenders.

"Oh my god. Ari... Hottie alert 6 o'clock" I looked in her direction and saw Justin.

"Nicole, that's gorgeous boy!"

"Really? He's fine as hell. I'd like to get it on with that booty"

"Nicole! I rated him 10 on my hotness scale"

"You crazy!" Nicole said, laughing and enjoying my company. I looked around and saw Justin staring at me, and smiled. He walked towards us. 

"Ladies" Justin said smiling at both and me Nicole. 

"Hi goregous boy" Nicole shrieked

"Excuse me?" Justin asked, shocked by our sudden behaviour.

"It's Ari's nickname" I wish I never told her now, a wave of blush crept on my cheeks as I heard Justin chuckling. 

"Well does Ari have any other nicknames for me like sexy?" Justin replied while smirking at me, making my blush heat up further. 

"You wish Bieber!" I replied back trying to regain my composure. I tried to walk away but my balance failed me epically making me stumble into someone and muttering a slight apology for my drunk behaviour. 

"Is she drunk?" He asked. Nicole nodded. I gaped. 

"Tipsy. I'm tipsy" I said while standing and trying to dance the Nicki Minaj song playing overhead.

"Well let's test you're drunkness out! Can I have your phone?" He asked

"Sure" I said giving him my phone and then walking towards the music. I carried on dancing aimlessly to the beat, trying my best to wiggle my hips to the beat. 

"You're doing that all wrong sweetheart!" Justin proclaimed chuckling as he lifted his head from my phone at my attempts to body rock like Nicki Minaj.

"Well, how does it go Bieber?" I asked daring him and feeling embarrassed that I actually tried to body rock in front of him. 

"Well" he said as he neared me putting my phone in the back of my jean short pocket. His fingers slided softly in the pocket, putting his arms on my hips guiding me towards him. He put his hands on my hands pulled them closer towards his chest. My breathing hitched and the temperature just got hotter. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? Did he know what I was thinking?

He directed my hips to move along his in a downward and upward movement keeping it slow and sensual. After a few of him guiding me, I got the hang of it and decided to move his hands down to my bum getting a sudden confidence boost as he looked like he was enjoying it, little did I know a little too much. 

"There you go.. You're getting it" He said smiling and continued making his hips grind me harder. The temperature kicked up further as we both continued to body rock against the music.


Justin P.O.V:

She's drunk and this probably her first time drunk. She's so funny drunk. But there's still something different about her. She was wearing a blue crop top and black leggings with black heeled boots. Her brown hair with honey undertones cascaded down her back and was simply place on her shoulders. She didn't wear accessive make up like other girls, she didn't need it anyway. She was pretty without it anyway! She was different, a good different again. She was scared of me last time, but she seemed a lot more relaxed now, I admired her for that! Most people wouldn't take any glance at me if they knew what I did, but she stayed. 

She's not like all the girls I hang around with. She didn't try to throw herself at me, she was calm and collected and wasn't interested in impressing me every chance she got. Usually I'm like get them drunk as they try to impress me, fuck them and then leave. But this is not just girl. I keep asking questions. She's funny as hell drunk but she's still a little cutie. Okay, what the hell did I just say? Did I just call Aria cutie. Don't be such a wimp Justin. Wimps call girls cute. I only met her yesterday and already my mind is fucked up.

I drove to my place and took her into the kitchen of my apartment.

"I have to text Joe to get Jess from Gran's and pick me up" She said while trying to regain her balance and get back to reality which didn't seem like her favourite place in the world. 

"No way, missy you're staying at home with me" I said as she tried to stand back up again. 

"What! My brother can pick me up. I'm fine Justin" she said trying to stand up without my grasp. Failing epically. I put my arm around her waist, like I did when we body rocked.

She was really good at that. She got used it and I could feel tingles when I touched her from her waist to her bum. She was making me hard. She's different.

"I don't really think you're Dad would be to happy you coming home, drunk of your ass"

"Very true. Justin you're so clever"

"I know sweetheart. So you're going to stay the night here"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Aria it's fine. You're my friend. It's cool"

"Awww! I'm your friend. That's nice Justin. Why are you giving me so many nicknames today. I should tell you mine for you, it's gorgeous boy.. You know why? Because you're gorgeous and because I rated you 10 on my hottest scale"

"Just a 10.. I think I'm like 12 or something"

"Na Bieber don't push you're luck!" She seemed a lot more relaxed and confident with herself. I liked that. I didn't want anyone to be scared of me, I wasn't a scary person, it was just the persona I portrayed that labelled as a typical 'bad boy'. 

She sat on the counter. I poured a bottle of mineral water in a glass for her signalling for her to drink. She hopped of the counter and walked towards me and I handed her the glass. I started to walk away when she held a tight grasp of my hand.

"So do you live by yourself Bieber?"She asked still holding my hand making an effort for conversation and edged herself closer. A little too close for my liking, driving me into a craze to kiss the living socks out of her. 

"Yeah, since I'm 20 I moved out a year ago. But I still visit home and give money to mum that I have saved"

"You know what Justin?" She asked as her hands went to my chest. 

"What?" I asked gulping, she looked so seductive right now, and beautiful. Her eyes shone like stars in the sky and I left me pondering whether or not I had seen anything as more beautiful than them before. The answer was 'no' obviously!
The guys were right in the car. I wanted her. But not in the way they were intending and I don't know why. She seemed different to every girl I went with, she didn't seem like she wanted something fake, and I loved that, it meant that she wanted to put her 100% in the relationship and wanted to find something that would last forever not for 3 months. She seemed fragile and innocent and if she cried I would do anything in my power to protect her from harm. 

"I had a dream last night about you" I was dazed out of our conversation till I heard those words. 

"Really?" My question etched with curiosity. 

"Yes, you were kissing me" Oh god... I was kissing her... Damn now I'm jealous of her dream character 'Justin' that was fact me. 

"Right..  Ari.. You know that's not going to happen between you and me. Firstly you're drunk and I wouldn't want to do that to you" she's drunk, but I wouldn't want her to kiss me and then I take advantage of her and regret it in the morning. I care about her. Wtf

"You know you're as bad as they say you are"  She explained making a smile etch of my skin. She had ahold of my hands that she was stroking between her thumb and fingers sending tingles down my fibres. She smiled. Her smile was gorgeous. 

"You too. But I've never heard of you since yesterday. I love your smile! " I said trying to sound confident when I was deflating because of her beauty. She blushed and left her head fall forwards to hid the blush, I had a strange craze to pick her head up, and hid her hair behind her ear. 

"I'm sure you have I'm the presidents daughter and Joe Williams little sister" She explained, making  frown form on her face. 

"That's your dad!" I didn't think that was her Dad. Joe was a big issue, because of our past. But Ari didn't need to know that. But her dad is the president.

"Barley allowed to be called Dad actually" 

"What do you mean?" 

"He's never at home anyway, I don't know why I call him Dad" Everything made sense in that moment, why she was always at home with Jess and why she didn't party that much and she read books and shopped like no tomorrow. She was alone. I was always alone, but I didn't mind, I chose to, she didn't have a choice. She probably cried lots because of her Dad and Joe. I wanted to be there for her, she needed that. 

"I'm tired" She replied, yawning. 

"Okay come on let's get to bed sweetheart" I said surprising myself at how caring and protective I've been with her all night. 

I took her to my double bed and laid her down. I wasn't going to sleep here tonight. I didn't want to give her a fright in the morning. So I grabbed one of my pillows and blanket. I softy kissed her cheek

"I love that nickname" she said was yawning. I

"I know sweetie" and she feel asleep. I smiled. She was going to keep surprising me and make me smile everyday if she kept this up. I was starting to like her, more than a friend. I then walked into the living room to find my bed tonight. The couch.


Hey everyone, 

Just wanted to let you know. I'm going to Spain soon and I wanted to make sure you had enough chapters before I went. I may upload two more chapters. So I am aiming for 5 to be done before I go. I'll try and get writing done over the holiday. So you won't have any uploads for 3 weeks. 

I checked this morning I have 10 hearts agghhh!!! and we are no.2 on 'Justin Bieber Alien' stories ASDFGHJKL 

Love you all 

hope you're having a good summer wherever you are :) 

click on the links below :D 

pixiebaby11 xxxx 

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