Chapter 2

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You would keep that promise? 

Aria P.O.V:

"Jess... Jess!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I awaited my little sisters reply on the bottom of the staircase.

"Yes" she said while coming out of her room. Jess, who was 8 years old wore a tight pink ballet costume with a tutu and ballet shoes perfectly fitted on her feet.

"We ready?"


"Yes.. What?" I said with an eyebrow cocking out

"Yes Ari" she said while slumping her lips to sound like she couldn't be bothered. I laughed

"Right Missy" I said then picked her up and tickled her. She went into a fit of giggles and was yelling at me to stop. Mum and Joe used to do this to me when I used to have beavers, I cherished those memories so much now because everyone was leaving around me. I put her down and she pouted sarcastically at me. She's growing too fast.

"Right Jess come on!" I said picking up my car keys and opened the door for her to walk out from. We got to my car, a yellow mini. Jess got in the passanger side and put her seat belt on.I turned the keys and started to pull away from our driveway. I suddenly jumped as my car blasted the radio.

"Jess" I said as I turned it down and carried on to the small junction and turned left to see her ballet school. She started singing.

"It's hard to look right, at you baby, but here's my num-

"Ari.. Come on sing with me. I know you love this song!"

"Fine" I said trying to sound like I couldn't be bothered. 

"So call me maybe. Before you came into my life I missed you so bad, I missed so bad, I should have known that.."

I turned the car off once we parked in the ballet school parking lot.


"Right.. Ladies one step, two step, three step, curtsy" the teacher pronounced as all the 8 year olds in the class copied. I sat by myself watching and occasionally going on my phone to check for any missed calls from Dad.

I then received a message

I'll be home late. Use the money in the safe to get pizza- Dad


We hadn't seen our Dad for about two weeks, I admired his perseverance and dedication but sometimes we just needed our Dad with us telling us about his day or about how he felt. Getting me out of my thoughts I sung along the music of Imagine Dragons Radioactive as the heavy violinist in the corner and all the band started to calm the beat.

Then in that moment, the door opened to two figures, one small and one big disturbing the music and ballet occurring.

"Sorry she's late" a familiar voice echoed guiding a little girl like my own sister to the class. He turned.

It was Justin. Justin Bieber. I froze. I knew of him, I heard rumours about him, but I didn't know him so I couldn't judge, he could have reasons but last I heard was he was heavy on drugs. Joe said to stay away from him and thats what I'm going to do.

Slipping into another daydream Justin playfully shoved me as he asked

"Anyone sat beside you sweetheart?" Still wearing the same clothes, Justin looked into me dreamily as he waited for my reply.

"Nope" I said thinking why did I just disobey my brothers requests?

"Fancy seeing you here? I thought you would go and get you're nails done and some corny shit like that" Justin said as he leaned his forearms on his legs. I had a good view of his neck and back, don't get me started on the butt.

"Well I'm sorry for not living to you're expectations, I have a family" I replied. Why was I being sarcastic and flirty?

"Which one?" He asked gesturing to all the little girls prancing around like sugar plum fairies. He liked questioning me didn't he? He listened to every word though. I found him intriguing physically and emotionally. Oh god, I only just met him!

I pointed to Jess who was twirling around endlessly laughing with the girl Justin was with.

"Her names Jessica" I explained

"Mines Jazzy" He replied pointing to girl beside Jessica. 

"Who would have thought... There laughing together. That's sweet" I said trying to soften the conversation. Why was I still conversing with him!

"Yeah.. It's not going to last long" Justin said scoffing.

"Why are you so unsure. Lots of people don't break friendship promises like that" I said trying to prove a point in a matter of factly tone.

"So sweetheart you're telling me if I asked you as a friend to have coffee with me, you'd keep that promise" he prepositioned

"Yes if you were nice to me" I said

"I can be nice" he argued back

"Well you haven't exactly been very friendly to me. You've been a bit of an asshole to be honest"  I exclaimed

"Well I was in business mode at the time. I knew you were scared.. .I'm sorry about that! Can you give me a chance to show you I'm not all that" he replied trying to reason with me. He looked genuine now. But why would he want an interest me? I wasn't going to go third base with him. He looked gorgeous he needed a supermodel with him, why was he asking me?

"I'm not sure" I said trying to sound indecisive

"Look I'll pay and make it worth all your time" Justin said trying to reason and persuade me. Why was he so demanding!

I smiled then and hid my blush, Justin then whispered in my ear

"I'll take that as deal and take you on that coffee"

"How do you know I haven't got a boyfriend though?"

"ARIA" Jess shouted

"JESS" I shouted back

"LOOK I MADE A NEW FRIEND. HER NAMES JAZZY" Jess said introducing Jazzy.

"Awww! That's cute sweetie.." I said rubbing her cheeks. She pulled away and Jazzy waved and said

"Hi I'm Jazzy this is my brother Justin" Jazzy said smiling and Justin picked her up and smiled too.

"Hi Justin... This is my sister Ari. She's single" Jess said smiling at me, earning a smirk from Justin. He knew I was lying.

"Jess!" I exasperated

Jazzy and her both started laughing. I blushed heavily.

"Don't worry little ladies I've already convinced her to go to coffee with me" He seemed happy around the kids and me, He seemed different. Maybe I should give him a chance? But what about Joe?

"Really? Ari did you say yes" Jess said shocked

"Yeah I did and I'm starting to rethink it"

Justin then pouted and then smirked going to my ear and whispering

"We'll see then"

Come In Peace *a Justin Bieber alien love story*Where stories live. Discover now