Chapter 12

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I fucked up again 

Justin P.O.V:


I couldn't lose her. I already lost my Dad to my attitude, I wasn't going to lose another person because of the gang.

Involving in a gang, is never easy and isn't as thrilling as everyone thinks. Sure you get to seem important for a while, but it's a life commitment. It’s a life commitment of seeping through the social society, like no one. A life commitment of endless amount of torture for yourself as you realise what you have done and what you have to do in the near future. Once you're in, you're never out. No matter how much you try, it always comes back.

My best friend, turned enemy. Joe Williams. He was in my gang. We met when I first came to Ontario, Canada two years ago. He was in love with her too, and we're fighting for her.

I know they say bros before hoes. But he knows how much I fell in love with her. It was evident. Every day in the morning I'd go to her and give her flowers that I'd picked from my Mum’s garden complimenting her deeply.
Throughout the day, I'd see her I would always smile and give her everything I had. I didn't imagine a life without her now.  I wanted to be there for her, and not like a best friend.  After her cheer practise we'd talk about our day and I'd walk with her to her car. Every day after I'd walk to her car, I'd kiss her on the cheek sometimes getting one in return. My body ached for her every day, I wanted to be near her every minute of every day. I thought she was the one.

The girl. The girl I loved since I came to Ontario 3 years ago. Crushing on her every day, he knew but still wanted her.

Grace McAdams. The most stunning girl in our year. The most popular, smart and kindest girl. She'd never hurt a fly. She was an academic scholar and a cheerleader. We hanged out together at football practise where I waited for Joe. Her blondish brown straightened hair cascaded down her shoulders covering her ever popular black denim Superdry jacket she wore every day without fail. Her bright blue eyes sparkled like lights. Her small lips, always escaped cute girlish giggles. Her bright yellow and purple cheerleader uniform came just above her thighs. It complimented her beautifully.

I was walking past a subway, with my black hoodie covering my face as the rain drummed dramatically on my head. I was coming home to my Mum’s house with takeaway for Jazzy and Jaxon.

I heard a faint scream, ignoring it, continuing with my journey home taking bigger steps than usual to get home.

A few seconds later, the screams got louder like it was nearby.

I shuffled around the nearby area, finding a bush with one person squatting on the outside. His trousers half way down his legs. Ew!

"Oi Man"

The two peoples head looked up. My mind then went completely frozen, like everything had shut down and nothing could function properly.
“Yo Bieber, Why have you always gotta barge in my fun?”
“Grace, are you having fun?” I asked sarcastically, knowing she was fearful and wanted to be anywhere else besides here at the very moment in time. She shook her head.
“You bitch” Joe screamed as he thrusted inside her, slapping her harshly. Usually I’d walk away but this was the girl I loved, I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
I grabbed Joe harshly by the t-shirt and pulled him of Grace getting him to stand up. I then punched him harshly on the jaw.
“You fucking touch her again. You’ll have me to answer to!” I sneered
“Oh look super Bieber is here! Help me! Help me!” Joe said, he has evidently been drinking and taking drugs. I punched him again.
“Stay away from her!” I sneered again. I then pushed him away
“Oh Bieber’s getting jealous”
“Fuck off Joe” I sneered again turning towards Grace.
“Are you alright?” I asked sitting beside her, getting my jacket to let her cover herself up.
“I’m fine. Thanks Justin for saving me”
“It’s alright. I told you I’d always be here”
“Yeah you did” She said sniffing
“Hey. Don’t cry! I don’t like it when you cry”
“No one’s ever going to want me now”
“I want you”
“I’ve always wanted you Grace. I’ll prove it to you now. I’ll run away with you and promise to protect you like I know I can”
“What about your work Justin?”
“I don’t care your more important to me”
“Justin” She said as she kissed me tenderly. I kissed her and put my hands on the back of her head
“I’ll run away with you Jay” She explained as she pulled back. I smiled and pulled her back in for a more passionate embrace in the bushes of Ontario.
16 Hours Later
“Justin how could you let this happen?” I heard as I gained conscientiousness. I opened my eyes to see my Mum standing by the bed.
“What?” I asked perplexed as to what she just said
“You didn’t save her”
“What do you mean I didn’t save her?”
“I did everything. I put an alien force field on her”
“Well it wasn’t enough. She’s dead”
“No… No… she can’t be Mum. I said I’d protect her. I said I’d run away with her”
“You didn’t do enough Justin. All the gang was in on it. They knew you’d run away and asked Joe to help them make you stay in the gang”
“She can’t be dead Mum” I said tearing up
“She is darling, I’m so sorry”
“Where’s Joe?”
“There’s another thing you should know Justin?”
“Joe saw the alien force field and is threatening to tell his Dad”
“What do you mean?” I asked
“His Dad is president of Canada. He could deport you back to Echon. It means you could go back to Echon to be killed for killing that police officer and Grace” Mum explained with tears pouring down her face.
“But I didn’t kill Grace?” I asked puzzled and wanting to find a loop hole.
“But the force field didn’t protect her it bashed everyone but didn’t help her in any form”
“I’ve fucked up again” I groaned putting my head in my hands.
“Darling….” Mum emphasised
“Mum just go!” I said turning around and going into my own world letting my tears fall as I thought about another thing I lost due to my attitude.
I’m never falling for a girl ever again. 


Hey guys! 

25 hearts!!!!! 


Thank you 

What do you think of this chapter? Now you understand Justin a bit more!!! :) 

3+ Comments for the next chapter. I work really hard on these chapters and I just want to know what your all thinking. If you think I'm doing a crap job just comment that, I'd rather have that so I know I can improve it :) 

pixiebaby11 xxxx

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