Chapter 18

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"You're worth it"

Aria P.O.V: 

Justin tugged me into walking into the kitchen leaving Jazzy, Jaxon and Pattie in Justin's two room apartment. The apartment being very small and a frequent place I came to visit in the last three months we had been dating. I smiled at Pattie she looked happy, happiest I had ever seen her. She had her son back. I don't know where he went, but I am certain that as long as I am around the old him will shine through, hopefully! 

"Justin what are we doing in the kitchen?" I asked as Justin closed the door and smiled, coming closer towards me. 

"Hi" Justin replied as he put his strong arms around me that I loved. 

I giggled softly, earning a cocky smirk to curl on Justin's lips. I lightly slapped his arm glaring  jokingly at him. 


"Don't be cocky then!" I snarked, wrapping my arms around his neck. Justin then tapped my butt causing me to jump in his arms where he carried me to the counter. I laughed. Justin kissed my cheek and started to open a packet of spaghetti stripes. 

"Why are you opening spaghetti?" 

"We're making dinner! I haven't cooked my mum dinner in a long time, so I thought I could get everyone round who I lo- like to have a good meal together" Justin replied coming towards me. 

"Aww! that's sweet Justin. I'm sure she'll love that" I exclaimed as I stroked his cheek and leaned in to kiss his cheek that was leaning towards me, but instead crashing with his addictive lips. The kiss started slow and romantic. Kissing back with equal force causing butterflies to flutter rapidly in my stomach making it turn and churn in indescribable directions. Justin kissed me hungrily and slipped his tongue, urging mine to join. Our tongues interlaced, my arms going to his hair and causing a moan to escape my lips. Justin's hands pushed against my butt, squeezing and pushing it towards him. The kiss starting to get heated up and sensual set a shockwave down my area, causing me to grind against Justin. A smirk formed on his lips, causing him to grind against me. A moan escaped me. We continued to grind against each other. 

After a few moments we both pulled away, leaning against each other's foreheads, regaining our regular breathing. 

"You wanna start the spaghetti now?" I asked 

"Yes sure babe"

"I guess we got a little too distracted there" 

"For the rest of my life, I don't care if I'm distracted by you. I lo-like looking at you" A blush formed on my cheeks. I stood up from the counter and got the pan from Justin, filling it with water to boil the pasta. 

"You know how to make my famous Bieber spaghetti?" 

"No actually I'm not sure"

"I'll teach you and maybe one day when I get home from work and our kids are back from school, you can make it and teach our daughter one day" My stomach fluttered at that thought of 'our children' and the way he said it so carefree. I'd love more than anything to be in his future and be with him for the rest of my life. 


"Right... put the tomatoes, onions and then this - this is a special ingredient only this family knows it goes well with it" 

"Okay babe" I replied, putting the ingredients and stirring. Justin's hands then came to my waist and glided to my hands, soft music played in the background which was 'Earned It' by the Weeknd. His arms guided my stirring and his breath was close to my ear, causing a shiver to crawl against my skin. His sexy, soft voice whispered in my ear as the song pounced into the bridge: 

So I love when you call unexpected
Cause I hate when the moment's expected
So I'ma care for you, you, you
I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah

Cause girl you're perfect
You're always worth it
And you deserve it
The way you work it
Cause girl you earned it
Girl you earned it


"Justin this spaghetti is awesome!" 

"Thanks Jaz! But I didn't cook any of it. Aria did" 

"Aww! It's lovely Aria. Thank you" 

"Awww! No problem Pattie. Your son is quite the teacher" 

"What's for dessert Bieber?" Jazzy asked 

"Oh  Aria made us some cookies"

"COOKIES!!" Jaxon screamed, running towards the kitchen. I laughed 

"Hey Jax leave some for me!" Jazzy screamed too, running after him.

"Justin don't take the cookies, you had some earlier. Jaxon, Pattie and Jazzy haven't had any" 

"Me too" Justin then intercepted, running after them, causing faint giggles from Jazzy and Jaxon. I rolled my eyes at his attempt to ignore my comment. 

I leaned in to get my drink. Pattie leaned over and gently tapped my hand. 

"Thank you for bringing my son back. I have never seen him so happy, and it's all thanks to you" 

"Your welcome Pattie. But I didn't do everything, he did that all himself" 

"oh but you did, every since his father died, he's been closed off, unhappy, unsure of what he wanted to do in life and unsure of who he was going to have apart of his future life. But with you, it seems with you, he has purpose and knows what he wants and knows how to naturally make you happy like his Dad. He gets that everlasting happiness glow from him, that's what I loved most about him" 

I wasn't ever sure what happened to Justin's father, I knew he wasn't in the picture but I didn't know he died. How much heartbreak did this kid go through? He's so much stronger than what people think he is. 

"Mum!" I giggled 

"Yes Justin" 

"Is there anyway that you can help me? I have been cornered and I am under arrest" Pattie and I walked to the kitchen finding Jazzy and Jaxon with rope tied to Justin's hands to the door of the sink, Jazzy and Jaxon sat on the kitchen counters eating the cookies. Pattie and I laughed. 

"We said to you not steal our cookies Bieber" 

"Sharing is caring Jaxon" 

"Jaxon!" Pattie said 

"Sorry momma" Jaxon said, looking sad. 

I untied Justin, he smiled gratefully. 

"See I can be nice. I am not a cookie stealer. I try so hard to be good for this family and I get to be the bad guy again. no one would never want a family with me, I might as well go in a hole for a thousand years alone" 

"I know your not a cookie stealer nor a bad guy Justin. Your my boyfriend, my best friend and you care for others before yourself all the time and your an amazing to your family. I'd be honoured to start a life with you, you'd be amazing and I'd wait for you for thousand years if that's what you wanted, you're worth it" 







pixiebaby11 xxx 

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