Chapter 2: dollhouse

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nanami grabbed the paper bag from gojou and stepped outside of the car. loosening his tie, he looked at the building and the flickering neon heart

when was it? when did i stop seeing her?...

"you coming?", gojou already walking up the steps towards the door pulling out his sunglasses in exchange for his blindfold. a nervous ichiji and itadori not far behind him.

nanami took a deep breath and followed them into the bar.

gojou opened the door, a little bell tinkling letting whoever was inside know that there were more customers. itadori peered inside and saw a dimly lit cocktail bar with shelves full of liquor and glasses along with bar stools near the entrance. beyond the bar was a lounge area with leather couches and a large TV.

suddenly a tall man who seemed to be around his mid-30s with tattoos emerged from a doorway covered with a cloth. he was wearing a crisp white button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up to reveal his large forearms that were decorated with tattoos along with black slacks, a matching vest, tie, and a waist apron. he glared at the 4 men and walked over to where the bar was.

a sound that could almost be described as a squeak came from ichiji at the sight of the burly man. to be honest, itadori was just as terrified as ichiji, the man looked like a gang member.

"who're you here for?", his gruff voice broke the silence, earning another small squeak from ichiji.

"ah yes, we're here to see miss saeko kobayashi. any chance that she's around?", gojou nonchalantly trilled as if he wasn't at all bothered by the bear of a man standing in front of him.

"who's askin?", the man's voice sharper as his eyes narrowed on gojou.

"momo?", a muffled voice that seemed to belong to a woman called out from behind the cloth in which the giant man emerged from, "is it a customer?".

the man turned his gaze towards the hallway where the voice was coming from, "they're asking for you miss".

nanami peered from around the man as he heard the clacking of high heels on the wooden floor coming towards the group of men. hands appeared from behind the cloth, pushing it back to reveal a young woman. he felt his breath get snatched from him as he laid eyes on the young woman that had come out of the hallway.

she had chestnut brown hair that framed her face perfectly and went down to her shoulder blades. she had a healthy flush to her face in the warm light and was wearing lipstick that made her lips look like raspberries. she was wearing a deep red colored sleeveless silk blouse with a plunging neckline that did little to hide her cleavage. his eyes wandered down and saw she was wearing a simple black pencil skirt that was about mid-thigh, exposing her sheer black stockings that were paired with a pair of black pumps.

she looked different, but she was as beautiful as the day he first met her. she had a healthy glow that radiated from her and she looked fuller and curvier.

his eyes widened as she made eye contact with him: her soft brown eyes sparkling in the bar lighting. he swallowed roughly and clenched his jaw.

she smiled softly and walked towards the group, "thank you momo. welcome, are you here for a session with a hostess?".

nanami watched as she tucked a stray bit of her hair behind her ear, before he could open his mouth gojou was already ahead of him.

"actually yes we are! i called you earlier today to set up an appointment with you, miss kobayashi", he flashed a mischievous smile at the young woman.

"ah yes i remember!", she gasped, her palm cupping her cheek as she smiled. "come in come in!".

"oh and nanami here brought you flowers!", the white-haired sorcerer said as he walked past the young woman over towards the lounge area.

nanami froze.


he looked back at saeko and saw that she had already been looking at him, her doe eyes brimming with excitement.

"mm...these are for you", nanami walked towards saeko and gently handed her the paper bag filled with flowers. she looked up at him and then down at the bag, gingerly taking it and peering inside.

" remembered", she murmured as she reached into the bag, pulling out the bouquet.

nanami felt heat rise to his cheeks seeing her blush while looking at the flowers. he looked over at gojou who was looking smugly from the couch.

how the hell did he know???

"thank you nanami...i love them", she looked up at him again, smiling, her eyes half-closed and sparkling as she held the bouquet close to her chest.

the burly man cleared his throat as a means to get her attention, jerking his head towards the 3 men waiting in the lounge area as he cleaned the glasses behind the bar.

"oh! right i'm so sorry-thank you momo", the brunette hastily set the bouquet back into the paper bag and placed it on the barstool beside her. "shall we join them?", her velvety voice cutting through nanami's thoughts like a hot knife through butter. he swallowed and released his clenched jaw, "sure".

|thank you for reading, i hope you're enjoying this so far. the next chapter will be a flashback to when saeko and nanami first met. this is where things get a lil nsfw so beware|

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