Chapter 24: talking with sukuna

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|TW: mentions of genocide and murder|

nanami raised the cup to his lips, letting the liquid trickle down in his mouth as he counted backward from 10.


he felt the liquid burn his tongue as it slid down his throat like molten lava, making him clench his fist as he continued to think about sukuna.


his squinted his eyes shut, forcing himself to chug the drink as it felt like it was melting his throat.


his hand began to shake as he heard a ringing in his ears, his vision going blurry as he was halfway done with the drink.


time slowed and the room seemed to spin around him, making him lose focus on his surroundings as the last drops of his drink trickled down his throat.


nanami swallowed the last drop, his entire body going numb as his eyes rolled back into his skull, feeling the floor beneath him collapse as he fell into the abyss. he gasped as he returned to reality, seeing that the others had finished their drinks as well and were grimacing from the after-effects of the drink. saeko and itadori were the only ones with their heads hanging as they slumped over, motionless and silent.

saeko and itadori gasped in unison as they woke up, their bodies moving in synch. nanami got up from his seat and went over to saeko who was hunched over and breathing heavily.

"are you okay??", he asked as he sat her up and moved the hair out of her face.

she caught her and breath and wiped the side of her mouth, "i'm okay...i just need a breather"

"not to be rude but i think our guest has arrived", gojou pointed toward itadori.

nanami looked over at itadori, his face now covered in sharp, black tattoos and the lines under his eyes had opened to show a second pair of eyes. he sat back in the chair, looking down at nanami and saeko, and smirked.

"you brought me an offering?", he flashed his sharp teeth, looking saeko up and down.

nanami gritted his teeth, fear coursing through his veins as sukuna looked at saeko like a piece of meat. he jolted as he felt saeko place a hand on his arm, turning to face her.

"i'm okay now", she whispered. she took a deep breath and fixed her gaze on sukuna, her expression turned to ice within mere seconds. "i'm only here to act as a medium between you and gojou-san", she explained sternly, keeping her eyes on him.

nanami went back to his chair, still keeping a close eye on sukuna and saeko. the tension hung in the air like a heavy cloud between the two as they kept eye contact with each other. he could feel the sinister aura rolling off of sukuna and spreading around them meanwhile saeko was like a statue, unmoving and unfazed by the cursed spirit's animosity towards her.

he looked over at ichiji who was practically shaking at the intense standoff between the cursed spirit and saeko, clearly wanting out of the seance. gojou was sitting on the chair backward, watching the two as if it was a TV drama series.

it was sukuna that finally spoke, "i like this woman. i want her after we're done speaking", he said as he turned to gojou.

nanami stiffened up, his blood beginning to boil.

"ah i'm sorry but she's already taken so we can't just give her to you", gojou shrugged nonchalantly.

"i don't remember asking", sukuna retorted sharply, "you either hand that woman over or i'll slaughter all of you and take her myself"

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