Chapter 6: karaoke night

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(this chapter goes back and forth between saeko and nanami's POV)

nanami panted heavily, trying to catch his breath after he ran most of the way to the bar since he had missed the bullet train. he looked at the young woman in the barstool, the same woman from that night.

holy shit...

she looked just as gorgeous as she was that night, only she was wearing a strappy green cocktail dress that hugged her every curve and showed off more of her gorgeous skin. he looked up at her face which seemed to be frozen in surprise. suddenly feeling self conscious, he ran his fingers through his dirty blond hair in attempt to comb the stray aways back into place and adjusted his sleeves.

"hi, again", he croaked out, his voice dry from the run.

the young woman seemed to snap out of the daze and hopped off the barstool. nanami blushed as he saw her breasts bounce as her feet hit the floor, making himself close his eyes.

don't look don't look don't look

"i didn't think you'd come back", he heard her whisper softly.


"well, um, you kinda just ran off and i thought i upset you somehow. i'm really sorry if i did", she bowed her head, giving nanami's eyes more access to her cleavage.


he looked up at the ceiling, trying to avoid looking at her body, "n-no i um wasn't feeling well that's all. i'm fine now, so you don't have to worry".

she perked up, the twinkle coming back into her eyes, "really? i didn't make you mad? oh i'm so glad, i was so worried. i thought i did something to make you want to leave", she babbled, a look of relief plastered across her pretty face.

is this the same girl from that night? she seems so...different...she's really bubbly.

"oh! i'm sorry, would you like something to drink? or maybe sing some karaoke?", smiled the brunette.

karaoke?? wouldn't we go into a private room?

nanami bit his lip, the young woman already had a bottle of sake and cups and was walking towards one of the karaoke rooms. "are you coming?"


"uh sure".

nanami walked into the little karaoke room. there were 2 leather couches that had a small table sandwiched between them along with a small flatscreen tv and a karaoke machine underneath.

before he could look around some more his eyes caught onto the young woman's behind. she was bent over trying to set up the karaoke machine, her ass barely being covered by her cocktail dress. nanami clenched his fist as ideas whirled through his mind, already getting him excited.

shit. not now.

he sat down and pretended to read the list of songs on the piece of paper that was left on the table.

"anything you want?"

he jolted as he felt her warmth right next to him. she was so close that he could smell her perfume again, the scent tickling his nose.

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