Chapter 31: the backrooms

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nanami watched as gojou turned the key inside the wall, hearing an odd scratching sound behind the door as the chalk turned into an outline of a door. a small doorknob appeared just above the keyhole in front of gojou before he grabbed and twisted it open a crack. almost immediately a huge gust of that same odd aura burst out the crack and whooshed past nanami. he shuddered as the wind died down, the aura making him feel uneasy but not necessarily uncomfortable.

gojou pushed open the door all the way letting in a stream of fluorescent light. he walked in without hesitating, leaving the other three men still on the outside. nanami looked at ijichi and ino who had both a shaken look on their face as if they were still trying to comprehend what just happened. he sighed and tentatively followed gojou who was waiting patiently on the other side.

ijichi and ino soon followed after him and they looked around the room they had entered. they were surrounded by what seemed like endless white walls and lenolium tile floor.

nanami looked back at ino and saw that the door that had led them into the room had suddenly vanished, "...shit"

"what?", ino asked before turning around, "...yo, what happened to the door?"

nanami looked over at ijichi who looked like he was about to have a panic attack on the spot.

"what do you mean 'what happened to the door'???", the black-haired man croaked. he looked behind them and then quickly around the room, "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DOOR????"

nanami turned his eyes over to gojou who was standing nonchalantly in the middle of the room.

the white-haired sorcerer let out a long whistle and pulled his phone out of his coat pocket and looked at the screen, "no service huh?"

"wait for real?", ino cried out before taking out his phone as well, "...shit"

nanami took out his phone and looked at the corner of the bright screen to see zero bars of service at the top. "damn...", he hissed underneath his breath. he looked up as he heard the sound of a doorknob turning, looking past gojou at a white wall that had an outline of a door emerging from it. he watched as the door slowly surfaced, the doorknob turning before it opened and out came a young woman. he held his breath as he saw saeko emerge from the door, carrying a paper bag filled with bread and wearing a white short sleeved sundress with her hair up in a bun. the entire room went silent as she entered the room and closed the door behind her, acting as if none of them were there with her. she stared blankly ahead and walked right past them, just barely brushing against nanami.

nanami whipped around as he heard another door open and out came another saeko, this time she was in the same outfit that he had seen her in the picture of her in front of the grocery store: a light colored blouse tucked into a light blue skirt that fell just past her knees. just like the previous saeko, she walked right past them like they didn't exist, her heels clacking loudly against the white tile floor.

dumbfounded, nanami looked around at the other men who were just as equally in shock. they all turned their heads when the sound of another door opened and out came another saeko who was wearing the same long sleeved black shirt and jeans the same day of the seance, carrying the empy tote bag on her shoulder and an open book in her hands. she mumbled softly to herself as her eyes scanned the book's pages while she walked straight ahead.

nanami watched as she walked away, following the other saekos go down the seemingly never ending empty space. he watched as the saekos became smaller and smaller until they vanished completely, like they had just disappeared in thin air.

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