Chapter 16: surprise visit

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nanami opened his eyes, waking up to the sound of banging on his apartment door. he slowly sat up, still trying to wake up, the banging continuing.

who the fuck is it??

he scowled, quickly putting on a pair of pants and heading towards the door. he unlocked it and opened it up, seeing gojou and ichiji outside.


"well good morning sleeping beauty!", gojou said cheekily, "mind if we come in?"

before nanami could even refuse, the white-haired sorcerer had already stepped inside his apartment, taking off his shoes and walking past him. ichiji gave nanami an uncomfortable look and slowly made his way in as well, following the tall man.

"looks like you had a wild night", gojou chuckled, "did ya go out clubbing or something?"

"what do you want?", nanami asked bluntly, too tired to beat around the bush with gojou.

"i tried calling your phone a buncha times but you never picked up", the sorcerer said nonchalantly as he continued to snoop around.

"i was asleep", nanami muttered as he watched gojou open his fridge and look inside, "what is it that you want?"

gojou closed the fridge, "ya know that really smokin hot lady-the one from the bar-what was her name?"

"saeko", ichiji reminded the white-haired sorcerer.

"oh yeah! her. yeah so uh, you think you can try and seduce her or something to help us out?"

"what? did something happen with itadori-kun?", nanami asked.

"oh no, not yet. just wanted to know if ya could that's all. i don't think she's into me and it seems like she still has the hots for you", he teased the blonde man.

nanami opened his mouth to chastise the young man but turned his head as he heard a muffled groan come from his bed. the three men looked over and watched as the covers were pulled back, revealing a naked woman underneath them, barely being covered by the sheets.

"'s too early...", saeko said in a sleepy voice as she rubbed her eyes.

jesus fucking christ

"so that's what you meant when you said you were gonna be busy last night", gojou said as he placed his fist into an open palm, putting two and two together. "good morning saeko-chan!", he said cheerfully.

nanami watched as she squinted her eyes at the three men, still trying to wake up.


"don't worry we didn't see anything!", gojou reassured her. "well...ichiji and i didn't see anything"

"hm?...wh-wha??", a moment of realization hitting her as she quickly pulled the covers over her body, "w-what are you doing here???"

"well we were planning on going to talk to you today but it seems that you're already here so it works out", gojou smiled, "we'll wait outside for you to get dressed", he said as he and ichiji walked back out.

nanami watched the two men walk out the door, closing it behind them. turning back around to see saeko, her face a bright red color.

Once Again: Nanami x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant