Potters' Gang

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Draco hummed softly from where he was sitting. He was waiting for the other members of the club. Curious, after all, that they would be meeting in a more cozy area then what he would think is the smartest choice, but he also supposed that it was understandable. At least, for now. Wanted to know how many people they were going to have. Perhaps? To be honest he had not really read much other than duel club, and knowing that it was hosted by some teacher that he...did not know. His defense against the dark arts teacher changed ever year, so he had no idea who this teacher was but he supposed it did not really matter. When had he ever truly known their defense teacher? Other than Severus, the only other competent one was a werewolf. 

He did not even truly need dueling practice. He had plenty of it with his father. Lucius was not joking when he had said a Malfoy needs to know everything. He had training that was more than likely far more brutal than this was going to be, but Draco knew that it would not hurt to at least brush up. He may not have this chance again. 

Though if he were being honest, this was more a chance to show off. He knew how they had treated Severus when he was in their other dimension. Though, Severus did not speak of it often, if at all, to him, he did speak to his father of it. Draco supposed after that it made a lot of sense as to why Severus was practically attached to his father. The other man had helped him, saved him from worse when it came to that pathetic band of Gryffindor scum. If Dumbledore had not been a headmaster at the time he could almost guarantee they would have been expelled for some of the things that they had done to his godfather. Then again, he doubted most of those things came to light. The things that they did in public alone should have been enough to have them formally expelled. Alas, favoritism was rather large with Dumbledore. 

Draco was lost in his thoughts, leaning in the area by himself, that he almost did not notice when someone entered the room. Almost, being the key word. The door opening and shutting jolted him awake and seeing someone fast approach him set him instantly on edge. His eyes cut around to the person who was coming towards him. The person had dark hair, dark eyes, and a gryffindor tie.

He was a Black. Sirius Black. Draco nearly growled out loud at the sight of the wayward Gryffindor. Despite all of him, he longed to hex him into next year. Where Sirius Black was, his lackies were as well. This was...unfortunate. He hated Potter, James, Harry, it did not matter, and Sirius as well. He hated their stupid little group. He leaned back in his chair, eyes watching as Sirius moved to sit across from him, signature smirk on his lips. 

Oh how he longed to wipe it off his face, but unfortunately, Draco had far more sense than that. There were multiple times he longed to hex Potter and Weasley, but if heh had made the first move, not only would his father murder him, bring him back to life, and murder him again, but he risked being expelled for fighting. He was  a Slytherin, and unfortunately that caused problems when it came ot hte blatant favoritism that Dumbledore held. However, provoking them and leading them to take the first move was far more practical. So that was what he did. It worked, for the most part. There were a few times when they took it a little too far, but even still it was not too bad. Draco was not stupid. He could use the same method here. He would not be expelled for something so stupid as starting a fight.

Just as he assumed, not too long after Sirius came in, the two Potter twins, Lupin, and that coward Petigrew came rushing in as well. Draco scoffed, but turned his head, not watching them as they all sat around him. Very effective. 

They were trying to intimidate him. He wanted to laugh out loud at the thought. He knew that Potter would have it out for him. James and Harry were never exactly the type to back down from a challenge after all. His very existence seemed to scream challenge to them. He knew that something like this would have to happen eventually. He just did not know when it was. Now...It was obvious that they had chosen a rather decent time. 

"Well, if it isn't the little Malfoy boy." Potter said, cocking an eyebrow. James. In his world, the man was Harry's dad, but in this one, the two were twins. Truly like father like son. Though Potter was a lot nicer than James was, he would admit that. 

Draco did not dignify the words with an answer. Sure, it would cause more anger than anything else, which was the entire point. He did not know who it was that was hosting this session, but he had his guesses, given what little of the teachers that he did know, and stirring up just a little bit of trouble could not hurt. 

Draco was here to show off a little, and practice a bit more, though he could not practice much, considering that he had a much more...extensive understanding of the dark arts then was strictly allowed, which was minimal at best. Furthermore, he saw little use in not using the knowledge he did have if he knew it would help him, or suit his purposes. Unlike a lot of people. 

This Hogwarts was different, but not by that much. The practice of Dark Arts was still forbidden and it was still taboo to even speak of it. He doubted many outside of Slytherin even bothered. Too distracted with other things. 

"Aren't you going to say something?" Sirius asked, his voice raising a bit. Draco gave a hint of a smirk. The hot tempered Black was annoyed that his faux pass at intimidation was not working. Something which amused him to no end. 

But as with Gryffindors and as they can sometimes tend to be, especially the Potters, impulsivity was their worst enemy, and the two, charged with indignation and anger, rushed towards him at the most inopportune moment...for them at least.

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