Knockturn Alley

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Draco wrapped the cloak around him tighter, it was slightly cold and he was still nervous. He was not afraid of his plan going awry, he had already thought through all of the possible steps, every possible conclusion, and all the risks. This was by far the best outcome for them. Though, he did not relish walking in the cold and dark as they were currently doing, though that was somewhat his fault. He did not wish to risk someone being attacked to the light from three wands, so Lucius held his wand with now beaming light, and left them through the cellar. Though perhaps Draco was being overly cautious, it was better than being foolish. He was no fool, and he would not be taken for one.

It was his overly cautious self that prevented them from going all the way to the end off the tunnel. Draco knew they just had to exit the Hogwarts wards against apparation. While House-Elves can apparate inside the wards, they cannot apparate inside from the outside. Hence their current situation of walking in a dark, damp, tunnel. Draco had correctly deduced that as long as the cellar reached far enough away from the hogwarts grounds (which it does because it ran all the way to Hogsmede), they would have no trouble in calling for a house-elf. It was also the fact that house elves apparate loudly, and it was another thing which Draco cared not to risk. If the sound of a house elf apparating alerted anyone in hogsmede they would go to someone who would investigate, and it was added risks which Draco refused to take.

Hence, calling for the house elf right after they exited the Hogwarts grounds. Draco would feel a shift in the magic energy once they were far enough, which he would them use to alert Severus and Lucius that they were far enough.

It was somewhat aggravating though. The fact that they had to go through such drastic lengths to find out his secondary half. He was not even totally sure that this Tom Riddle would be capable, or even willing to aid them. He may be a great and powerful person, the Dark Lord was, though this was his younger self so who really knows. While Severus and Lucius doubted Riddle's willingness to aid them, they did not seem to doubt in his ability to do so. He also understood the necessity of figuring out what his creature was before he came into it fully. He did not want surprises. He was a Slytherin. Surprises were annoying and did not suit him well. He just wished his creature was a bit more clear for Lucius and Severus to decipher, because then these excess lengths would not be taken, and this possibly pointless journey would not be taken.

The fact that they were taking this whole journey, risking quite a bit to do so, and Riddle may not even help them? That was what truly triggered him quite a bit. He hated the thought that they would do all of this just to come back empty. It was necessary, he knew that, he understood that, but it did not mean that he had to like it.

"Okay," Draco called. "We are far enough now." The two stopped and Lucius called for his house elf, who popped up moments later.

"Master Lucius Sir! How may Lolly help you!?" Draco almost cringed at the sheer joy in the Elf's voice. Though he supposed being stuck with no specific orders and therefore dealing with the general orders of the house would have been rather annoying for the elf. Still, he was sort of aggravating by the ever lilting, scratchy voice of the elf.

"I wish you to take Draco, Severus, and I to Diagon alley."
"Master?" Lolly asked questioningly.
"I made a request, a...special request, of someone in Diagon Alley, which I was informed has recently been accepted. At least, the preliminaries. I would send Father to the negotiations for me, but it is a surprise. To wend him would ruin that, and I do not wish to do such things. Plus, I do not know for sure if they will accept another in my place. As such, I must go myself, and Severus and Draco wished to accompany me."

This was another thing Draco, in his overly paranoid mind thanks to his....well, the other dimension's Lucius severe punishments, and overly harsh reprimands if he was caught doing anything beyond the allowed behaviors. It had caused him to become overly cautious. Still, he supposed it aided him in times like this.

Though Draco knew that Lolly the House Elf was Lucius' personal elf, he did not want to risk the Elf telling anyone where exactly they were going  or what exactly they were doing. Hence this story which Lucius spoke. None of it was a lie, yet none was exactly the truth either. It was a story which would satisfy curiosity, but doubly would fail to give away the real reason they were going.

"Of course, Master Lucius!"

Draco hated apparation in general, house elf apparation was horrible as well. Still, he landed perfectly on his feet as always and he waited for Lucius to be delivered last. Severus and Draco were both standing outside Florish and Botts. A concealing charm working wondered to keep potential eyes away from them. When Lucius made his way next to them, he dismissed Lolly as soon as he had called for her, and they made their way down the lightly populated streets of Diagon Alley, pausing to the entrance of Knockturn alley. They swiftly rid themselves of the concealment charm and walked purposefully down the streets.
Draco had walked these streets with his father....well, father in the other dimension, hundreds of times. The key was to look as though you were confident, important, and not to be bothered because you did not have time. All of which the three of them had plenty of.

Next stop...Borgin and Burkes, Tom Riddle's place of work.

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