Untitled Part 24

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Draco was almost giddy as he walked back to the Slytherin Common room. Careful to ensure that he watched his surroundings, not wanting to be taken off guard, knowing that the potters would likely attempt something since the Professor had stopped them the first time...they were kind of stupid like that, and never really understood or learned from their actions. either way, that was not for him to worry about. What he did need to worry about was how boring the club would be. While initially he had thought that it would be good for him to freshen and ensure that he stayed sharp on the basics, he was beginning to think that perhaps trying to do this in a club format was going to be a very bad idea. 

Much less now that the Potters were attending. It was clear that they had it out for him. Whether it was because he had humiliated them when they tried to bully him in the great hall, or whether it was because he was a Slytherin, or maybe because he was a Malfoy, there was really so many things that could contribute, but he would wager a guess and say it was a mix of all three reasons. The Gryffindors had never really been subtle in their hatred of Slytherins. Though the annoyance was definitely not one sided. Slytherins thought that most gryffindors were just as annoying ass the gryffindors hated the slytherins. So ina way it was reciprocated. 

He should probably keep the information that the Potters were in the club as well from Lucius and Severus. He had no idea how Lucius would react, and Severus would flip. He was not stupid, he knew that while somethings had changed with this new universe somethings also remained the same, and this was one. The Potter's bullying of Severus. It would seem as though the other was a bully no matter what universe they were in. Draco found that interesting. 

He entered the common room and dropped down onto the couch not looking at Lucius or Severus who he had forcefully shoved to either side as he flopped between them, and instead just stared at the ceiling. Disappointment curled through his veins. It was annoying. Why should he...Why...He already knew almost every spell that they were likely to try and teach him, something which was definitely going to be more than annoying, and Draco hated being bored. He also hated being annoyed. Perhaps he should have taken up Lucius' offer on not going to the club. He was beginning to think that perhaps it was a bit more effort than it was worth. Plus he hated the Potters. Still, he glanced to the side, seeing Lucius watching him with a concerned expression. Yeah, no he was not going to admit that. He would push through this, mostly because he did not want to see the satisfaction on Lucius' face when he agreed that he was right and he should not have signed up.

 Besides, what was the use of complaining now? He had already signed up. Besides, he had to remember, there was a legitimate reason for his signing up for this stupid club anyways. He needed to prove his superiority. He had to think about this positively. Now that the Potters were stuck in the same class as him, he would have the opportunity, more so than usual, to show them up. A smirk began to curl its way upon his face as he thought of the annoyed and frustrated expressions of the hauty gryffindors as he bested them each class, over and over again. 

"Draco?" Severus muttered, shoving him slightly, trying to get him to return from his thoughts. it worked, if a bit of an intense reaction. He was just thinking. No need to start shoving. "Are you alright? How was the first day of the club? The meeting was today. What happened and how did it go?" Draco paused, glancing at his uncle, staring at him. There was a sincere note to his voice that somewhat surprised him. He should not be, but he was nonetheless. 

"It was okay. Potter and his gang of lackies came in." Lucius' eyes widened and jumped up from the couch, snatching Draco forwards and swiftly beginning a visual assessment of his body. Draco rolled his eyes at his godfather but otherwise endured Lucius' motherly hovering. 

It was a strange thing to experience. then again, there was a lot of things that he did not think that he would ever experience that he was currently doing so. He found it...complicated, but he knew that he would choose this universe over the other one any day of the week. He wondered what it was that had caused his mother to leave it. He really did not understand that part. All in all he supposed that it did not matter, but was it not odd to her that she was literally screwing Abraxas' son? Like...on the daily? In the other universe? Her child? From another universe? perhaps not since Lucius in his universe was basically an Abraxas but with a mean and a cruel streak beyond anything that he could envision Abraxas having. 

"I did not get hurt," He said, eyeing Lucius, he shook his head but did not pull away from Lucius' checking over him. He understood the worry after all, well, sort of. He would if it was not Lucius who was giving it. "The Professor showed up before they could even do anything and intervened." 

Lucius gave a small sigh of relief, and fell back onto his position that he had been before before his panic had taken over. Severus gave Lucius a daring look and a long suffering one to Draco before nudging him to continue. 

"Anyways, the club meets twice a week. We are supposedly going to learn the basics and theory of application behind all of the things that we learn." Draco said with a sigh. 

"That boring to you?" Severus asked, picking it up. 

"What? No, it is just...I already know a lot of those things when it comes to a lot of the hexes and jinxs we learn here. And others as well, I am just worried it will be boring." He gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "But really you never know. It will be funny to see what the Potters come up with, considering they enjoy procrastinating everything to the last minute." He smirked, unable to stop himself thinking of what was undoubtedly going to be a fun club.

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