Chapter 48

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Ellen's P.O.V.

I started riffling through my stuff and find a flash drive in an envelope. I plugged it into my computer and saw that it was a flip video and the video starts in a doctors office. I'm laying on a table with my shirt not covering my stomach. Nathan is standing next to me holding my hand and we're both smiling as the doctor runs a little remote thing all over my stomach. "there it is you two, it seems about three weeks along." said the doctor and on the monitor was a fuzzy blue and white image of a little bump. "it's just a blip." said Nathan. "yes, our little blip." I said.

"right now yes, but it will grow and soon it'll be your wonderful baby" said the doctor, Nathan and i looked at each other lovingly and he kissed me lightly. "I love you ellen" he whispered and kissed my forehead. "I love you to Nathan, and our baby." I said.

then I looked in the envelope and pulled out a picture. A fuzzy, blue and white picture, of the little blip and it said the date and on it in Nathans handwriting 'our little blip' and I started crying as i looked at it and everything came back to me. "oh my god, Nathan." I cried and I jumped up.

I ran next door to where my brother was and ran into his room. "Davis, you need to drive me to the airport now." I cried and he didn't even ask why, he just grabbed the keys and we ran down to the car. "I'm not proud of this but I took our parents credit card." I sniffled. "why?" asked Davis.

"I have to get to London." I said as we finally pulled up to the airport. "I'll see you soon bro." I said, then walked into the airport. I paid and managed not to get caught. I hopped on the first plane to London and the ride was horrible. I'd remembered being kidnaped and everything, it was terrifying.

When I finally landed in London I quickly grabbed a cab and when right to the flat. I ran up e stairs and knocked, but no one was there. "shit shit shit shit shit." I cursed and looked around, no one. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed jay. He finally picked up on one of the last rings.

"Jay?" I asked. "Ellen! Ellen Ellen." cried jay. "what's wrong?" I asked. "we're at the hospital down the street, nathans in cardiac arrest!" he sobbed, I hung up and ran to the hospital. When I got there I ran into the room and saw the doctors had all stopped working and were sadly looking at him. "time of death 1:4..." started the doctor and I slapped him.

"NO!" I screamed then I ran over to Nathan and grabbed his hand. "baby baby baby, no you can't die, Nathan you can't be dead, what about our little blip? What about us? I remember it all, I love you Nathan, you can't leave me, you can't leave me!!!" I shrieked and started giving him CPR. "ma'am, he's gone, there's nothing you can do.." said a nurse.

"NO HE ISN'T!!!! He never gave up on me, not once, not through everything and I'm never going to give up on him. Please baby, please come back, how am I going to raise our little blip without you??" I sobbed and then the monitor picked up a pulse and everyone froze.

Nathan opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Ellen?" he stammered. "NATHAN!" I shrieked and hugged him. "am I dead? Is this heaven?" he asked. "no baby no, I'm back, I remember." I sobbed and kissed him. He kissed me back and I grinned.

"oh fuck baby, I'm so sorry about everything." I sobbed and he just hugged me. "you remember." he sighed and hugged me. "oh baby, I can't believe everything that's happened." I sobbed. "sh sh sh, it'll be ok." he said. "now that you remember, everything's going to be ok." he said as we held each other.

"Ellen, while I was out, I had a dream." he started. "what?" I asked. "I had a dream, that we were fine after the crash, that I went home with you and we were happy. That I asked you to marry me, you said yes and we did, we danced and were happy, Ellen marry me." he said. "ok." I said. "perfect." he said.

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