Chapter 25

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nathans pov

"What?" I asked frozen on the spot, stuck in place, stilled by what she said. "I...I'm leaving." she stuttered. "no, baby, please, if this is cause I got mad at you, I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry." I said. "'s more then that.'ve been so sad and angry and tense and upset since I came." she stated. "" I argued. "don't even try and say it's not true, I've been on twitter. Everyone's saying how you used to be so carefree and wild and fun, until I came along. That you've aged years in the few weeks I've been here, saying im changing you for the worse." she trailed off.

"Ellen, baby, no, yes im under a little stress, but I'm fine, if you left I'd be one hundred times more stressed and upset and angry, please don't leave me." I begged. "but I want to, for your own good...and I don't deserve anything this good." she said, aw my poor baby.

"you do deserve everything good, and it's not for my own good." I Said. "if you really want to leave, I won't force you to stay just because I'll be heart broken without you, but go because you want to, not because of me." I said. "Nathan...I...I just don't know what to do." she whispered.

"come here." I said and opened my arms. She warily crept over and I gestured towards my lap. She regarded me slowly, then sat in my lap. "don't even think for a second that you're bed for me." I said as I buried my head into her hair and breathed in her smell. "because I love you and I don't know what I'd do without you. So please, please don't leave, for me." I begged.

"ok." she whispered. "and Nathan, please don't yell at me again, it was scary." she said, I nodded. "I'm sorry, iv just been stressed out lately by what haters have been saying, I lost it, but I won't again." I said, she nodded. "ok Nathan, ok." she said. "hate to break this up, but we've got to go." said Kevin and we all turned and looked at Kevin and the crew standing in the door.

"why?" I asked. "we're in Vegas, you were asleep for hours Nathan, we've got to go do interviews and stuff." he said, I nodded and looked at Ellen. "you want to come, or stay?" I asked. "come, come, I don't want to be here alone." she said, I nodded. I stood up with her And we walked off the bus.

Maggie was waiting and she came over. "you alright Ellen?" she asked, Ellen shrugged. "well come on, they've got interviews, we can wait in their dressing room and watch doctor who." she said and Ellen smiled. I loved when she smiled. "ok." she said then stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

"I'll see you later baby." she said and followed Maggie down the hall towards our dressing room. I ran my hand on cheek and couldn't help but to think of my dream, about how great she'd felt, about how much I really wanted her to do that to me.

"hey, nath, stop daydreaming and let's go." said Tom, I ran over to them as they walked inside and went upstairs. we got off the elevator and walked into a big flat with white screens, cameras, lights, oh fuck, this was a photo-shoot.

"kev I thought you said we had interviews." I said, he shrugged. "i said interviews and stuff, this, then interviews." he said, I sighed as we went over to the makeup counter. They put us down in chairs and started on my hair.

I made faces and grumbled, I hated when people brushed my hair, hated it. "oh come on nath, don't be a sissy." scoffed max. "shut up you don't even have hair!" I growled at him as he sat cross legged on the floor with the razor buzzing as he shaved his head.

He just huffed and continued doing it. "guys, where are your girlfriends?" asked the photographer. "Kelsey, nareesha and Michelle are all back in LA, we'll see them tomorrow and Maggie & Ellen are downstairs." said siva.

"well...she isn't really girlfriend." mumbled jay, we all looked over at him and he rubbed his neck in discomfort. "what?" I asked. "well..I mean...I haven't really asked her...and she's here for Ellen." he stuttered awkwardly, we all rolled our eyes.

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