Chapter 13

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well happy fucking birthday to you guys cause you get a second really long chapter. So, I just wrote this and I'm a little iffy on it, this is what alcohol does to you people. May I just say that Sex On The Beach is one of my favorite drinks, it's so good and anyway, here's the next chapter, enjoy x


nathans pov

"dont be scared love." I said as I looked back into the van. Ellen was sitting in the seat while everyone else had already gotten out. "I'm not." she said, I reached out and she took my hand. She stepped out of the van and stood next to me. "Nathan I lied." she said as we followed the boys towards the carpet. "I am scared." she whispered, I smiled.

"I know." I said with a smile and we got closer to the crowd. "Nathan." she said worriedly. "it's ok love, there's a barricade." I added, she pushed against me and I wrapped my arm around her waist. "see love, everything's fine." I said happily. "sure." she sighed and we kept walking over. We started on the red carpet and we got up the stairs and security stopped us. "boys, this is where your girlfriends leave you." said one.

"no, but.." I started when one interrupted me. "sorry, but they'll meet you in your seats once you get through." said another and I looked down at Ellen. "I don't want to leave you." she whispered. "guys, I'm bringing her with me." I said. "you aren't really allowed to do that." said security, I looked down at ellen again and she was just glaring at the security guard.

He took a step towards her and she wrapped her arms around my stomach and buried her head into my shoulder. "I don't want to go." she whispered. "she's coming with us." I said firmly. "ya, she's coming." added jay, the security guard sighed. "you won't keep going without her will you." he sighed, I shook my head.

"fine then, break all the rules, why would I give a shit?" he asked rhetorically and let us by. "see, you can come with me love." I said, she looked up at me and she was almost in tears. "hey, hey, hey, none of that." I said with a halfhearted smile.

"Nathan, I can't even let you do your fucking Job without getting in the way." she whispered. "no, no, no, don't think like that. You just made me get another hour with you and that makes me happy, job be dammed." I started. "and I'm still doing my job, but I'm now doing it better cause you're here." I ended happily and she looked up at me.

We stopped at the first row of cameras and I could see she was still doubting herself. "don't think that you being here is bad, if you weren't then I'd just spend the whole time worrying that you were ok and I wouldn't get anything done right. Having you here was the only sensible thing to do, because now I know you're safe because you're with me and I love that." I said with a smiled and put my finger on her chin and pushed her head up a bit as I leaned down and kissed her nose.

"see, it's better with you here love." I added and she just looked at me. "come on, where's that smile?" I asked as I poked her in The ribs lightly. "or do I have to sit here and say niishleey until it does?" I asked, the edged of her lips started to turn up and I grinned. "oh, oh, there it is, almost. Come on, niiishleeey niiiishleeey niiisheey niiissssshhhhhhleeey, don't make me do the fly!" I threatened, the grin tugging at her lips turned into a full blown smile and I grinned.

"alright, alright, stop it sloth!" she said and I laughed. "you are so weird." she laughed. "ah, but I made you smile and that makes me unbelievably happy." I confessed and she smiled. "aww Nathan." she said and stood on her tiptoes, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"come on mate." said Tom, we walked over to them and went through the first line of cameras. We stopped four times and stood for them to take pictures, then passed on and slowly started traversing the red carpet.

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