Chapter 17

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Nathans pov

"na...Nathan...oh god I know that was just your voicemail, but hearing your voice just made everything better. I don't know if you'll get this, but please, please come get me. It's horrible, I miss you, without you I...I just don't think I can hold on to anything any mo..." said Ellen on my voicemail.

"I guess I have to take your phone to!" I heard Ethel say in the background and then some rustling. "no but please, I'm begging you sir." pleaded Ellen, I'd listened to it over and over. "Sir? She was calling people sir again? What the fuck had those degenerate bastards that call themselves parents done to her!" I growled.

"Nathan, you need to stop pacing, we'll be there soon." said jay. "shut up." I growled and continued to pace the length of the bus. "mate, there's no sense in you being tired when we get there." reasoned siva, I ignored him and kept walking. The bus turned a sharp corner, then stopped.

I jumped off and ran to the door of the big house in front of me. I skidded to a stop and knocked furiously. When the door opened I saw Michael. "hey I told you to fuck off and stay ay from my dau.." he started, but I didn't let him finish before I punched him dead in the face. I pushed past him and looked around. "upstairs." said a kid about my age.

I nodded and bounded up them and pushed open her door. "Ellen! Ellen." I said, nothing. I looked around and couldnt see her, but I found a piece of paper on her bed. I ran over and grabbed it. It was a note she'd written.

'to whoevers reading this, I sort of feel like an idiot writing this, but I'm going to anyway. I just wanted to say that Davis, I love you. My parents, I hope you die and well, I've had a hard life. The worst part wasn't that I was kidnapped, or abused, it was that I gave up trying. I gave up my hope when I got taken from Nathan. I've lost my will to live, I'm sorry, to everyone who is affected by this decision. I just can't take it, the constant fear, being afraid, I just cant stand it. And Nathan, if somehow you get this letter, which I hope Davis shows you, just know there's nothing you could have done. I like to think that if we'd had more time together, I'd have gotten better, but we'll never know. The last few weeks with you have been the best in my life and you've taught me how to love again, and I will always love you, but please, don't grieve to long. Move on, you deserve the best girlfriend who loves you for you and all your stupid, slothy ways. Find the right girl, marry her and I hope she appreciates you as you deserve to be appreciated. Don't blame yourself Nathan, I love you, never doubt that, I always will. I really don't want to end my life in this shithole of a room, so I'm going to the only place where I can think in nature, ya, I think that's a good final place to be alive. But Nathan, if I could spend eternity in your arms I would, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. - Ellen'

"oh shit." I whispered as tears streaked down my face. She was going to kill herself. "mate what's that?" asked jay, I threw him the letter and ran down the stairs. I reached them and saw Michael, I jumped on his and hit him in the face again and again. "you, took, her, away, from me! And now, she's going, to fucking kill herself!" I screamed.

"oh shit." said jay as he came down the stairs and siva pulled me off Michael. "the letter..." said jay, then I realized it. I knew where she was, I didn't hesitate, I opened the door and ran. I ran straight into the woods. She was going to her thinking tree in the woods, she told me about it all the time, it was the only place she could think in nature. So I kept running, I was jumping over the logs and stumbling through the leaves. I didn't care that thorns were ripping up my jeans and my skin under, all I cared about was getting to Ellen before it was to late. But then I stumbled through the trees and saw her..I knew it was already to late......






















































LOLS!!!!! Omg, nah, what would you guys do if I actually just ended the book like that!!! I wish I could have seen the expressions on your faces, they must have been all crying and sad, then all pissed off like 'THIS IS THE WORST MOST DEPRESSING ENDING EVER AND IM PISSED OFF!!!!!' well, I could have ended it with her dying in his arms, but alas, you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happens, maybe she becomes a vampire, maybe she becomes a werewolf, maybe she isn't dead, maybe she is really dead and I've been fucking with you guys, maybe she's a zombie, maybe it'll be like Romeo and juliet and he'll kill himself and she'll live...the world may never know... Nah, you'll find out next chapter

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