Chapter 34

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"what's the decision?" I asked. "we have to give her stitches for the cut. We can give her an abortion now before we do that, but she's still under weight and it's very risky, but if we don't give her one now and we stitch her up, then she won't be able to get an abortion for three months." he said, oh fuck.

"can I go see her?" I asked, he motioned me past and I went over and knelt beside her. There were fresh bandages on her stomach and thy'd cleaned her up so there was no blood on her skin. "oh baby." I sighed, I took her hand in mine and squeezed.

"I wish you were awake, you could help me make this choice." I said and looked at her. "Ellen I don't know what to do, I know you want that thing out of you, but I can't lose you." I whispered and brushed her cheek with my thumb.

"baby I can't lose you." I repeated, then I leaned forward and lightly kissed her. "get it out of her." I said and stood up. "why dont you go get some sleep." he said, I shook my head and looked at Ellen. "not until I know she's ok." I said, he sighed and nodded.

"I'll have the nurse bring you in afterword." he said, I walked out and went and sat in the hall. I took a seat in the chair and leaned my head back. What the fuck was happening to my life. It had all managed to go to hell, why did everything have to be so complicated. Without even meaning to I fell asleep in the chair.

"mr. Sykes..." said a voice, I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing over me. "you can come see her now." he said, I stood up and walked into her room. The doctor was standing beside the bed, messing with a machine. When he saw me he turned to face me. "we had a few close calls during, but she pulled through and we stitched the cut on her stomach up afterwords. She'll be very weak, I'd advise she stays in the hospital for a week or more, but everyone has made it abundantly clear she won't be staying." he started and handed me a clip board.

"if you just fill out these forms she can leave in the morning, I'll prescribe her some pain killers, antibiotics, fresh gauze and everything else she'll need. As long as the wound is regularly cleaned and dressed she'll be fine." he finished, I took the clipboard and nodded.

"go fill it out, she shouldn't wake up for a while, we'll be back to check on her in a few hours." he said, I nodded and went back into the hall. Jay tossed me a pen and I noticed everyone else was Gone. "where is everyone?" I asked. "they all went back to the bus." he said, I nodded and started filling out the forms. It was all standard stuff, not to hard to fill out.

"here, think you need a drink." said jay and he handed me a bottle of vodka. I took a swig and winced at the flavor. "chaser?" I asked, he handed me a bottle of juice and I started drinking and then chasing it. I finished it and knew I shouldn't have had it.

I started writing again and although my handwriting was worse because of the drinking i managed to keep filling it out. I heard a muffled noise and ignored it, Sure it was just jay snoring like the pig he is. I continued to write the information when I heard a loud moan and looked up. That wasn't jay, I looked around and waited.

I heard a cry and jumped up. I shot across the hall and into ellens room. She wasn't in the bed, I looked around and saw her crouched in the corner. I went over and she was crying and clutching her stomach. "baby?" I asked. "Nathan!" she shouted and threw herself at me.

She started crying into my shoulder and I stood up, placing her back on the bed. "baby, what's wrong"? I coo'd and she just cried. "Nathan, I woke up and you weren't here and I hurt and..." she sobbed, breaking off in the middle of her sentence.

"I'm so sorry babe, I'm here, I'm sorry you had to wake up without me, but I'm here now, relax." I said, trying to comfort her. "I know, I know." I said and made her lay down on her back. "can I?" I asked as I motioned to her gown and she nodded.

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