Chapter 21

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Nathans POV

I took a sip of the tea I had in my hands and looked at the reporter. "ok guys, we're live in five....four...three..." said the guy behind the camera, then he pointed at us. "good morning America, This morning we're here with boy band The Wanted!" shouted the reporter.

"so boys, the turnout for you is fantastic." said the woman. "really? We haven't seen a single fan this morning." said Tom. "they must be here for someone else." laughed max. "no they aren't, they're right behind you." she said, we turned and I raised my eyebrows when I saw hundreds of girls outside the glass windows that looked out onto new york. "oh shit." said jay.

"ya, you came in the back, they've been waiting in the front." she said. "oh...we'll go say hi to them after out interview, we missed them." laughed siva. "so, anyway, Nathan, your girlfriend, Ellen Patterson, she's the ellen patterson that was kidnapped years ago, right?" she asked, I nodded slowly and drank some more of my tea.

I was barely paying attention because Ellen was still passed out, but if had to leave her for this interview in new York. She was on the bus and I hadn't had a choice but to leave her. "well, how did you meet her? Is she ok? Who did it to her? Ho..." she started. "stop..." I said. "I met her right after she got away, she's getting better and we don't know who did it to her, can you just ask one question at a time?" I asked and sipped my tea.

"are you looking for them?" she asked, I shook my head "why not?" she Asked, I sighed. "I don't mean to be rude, but that's between me and her." I snapped. "ok, fine but we heard that she got taken home by her parents and that you weren't allowed to see her." she said, I nodded. "ya, well her parents are stupid little fucks." I growled. "Nathan." snapped max and I looked at him and sighed.

"sorry, its just, Ellen doesn't even remember her parents, when she was taken she forgot who they were, she's happy with me, she didn't want to go with them, they FORCED her to go with them, she got depressed and she told me to come get her and I didn't stall, I literally started driving and didnt stop till we got to her house..." I shivered, remembering the fear and sorrow I felt when I read her letter and thought i was to late.

"so, you went and took her back?" she asked. "no." I barked sharply. "Id never take her, I gave her the option to come with me, she didn't have to, I'd never make her do anything, you have to be careful with her." I said.

"is she getting hate and are you getting death threats again?" she asked, I nodded. "yes, I don't let her read her or my mentions on twitter, ever, she doesn't now how, iv only taught her how to reply to me and the boys so she doesn't have to see that, she doesn't deserve it, no one understands what she went through." I said.

"and what did she go through?" she asked, I sighed. "she's only told me a little, not even I know all of it." I whispered. "and aren't you scared that the people who kidnapped her are still out there? That they might come for revenge on you? Or to take her back?" she Asked, I opened my mouth and nothing came out. Oh shit I'd never thought about that. "bu...." I started, I didn't know what to say.

Would they? They were still out there, they could hurt other girls...they could come get Ellen again. What if they did? I shivered, we had to find them and put them behind bars, forever. "I...I've never though of that.." I whispered. "we need to st..." I started, then I heard the door slam open. "they're live! You can't go in there." shouted a voice. "Nathan!" screamed Ellen and i looked over as Ellen ran across the floor and jumped into my lap.

I spilled my tea all over the floor as Ellen wrapped her arms around me and pushed her head into my shoulder and breathed in. "baby, baby, what is it?" I purred soothingly as I kept my arms around the back of the chair, not wanting to scare her because she was already crying.

"Nathan, I woke up and didn't know where I was, you weren't there and...I got scared." then she started sobbing. "sh, sh, sh, love, it's alright, I'm right here." I whispered softly, she looked up at me and I gritted my teeth. She looked so afraid and I knew I had to get whoever made her this afraid.

"you weren't there." she whispered and another tear slid down her cheek. I gritted my teeth as I watched her. "love, can I touch you...please." I begged, she regarded me with fear, but then nodded slowly. I reached foreword and she flinched, I wiped the tears from her cheeks and then cupped her face in my hands.

"no, no, no, no, no, Nathan, don't hold me in place." she begged, I instantly let go of her head and just rested my hands on her legs so I was at least touching her as she sobbed a little. "hey now, what's all this then?" I asked and she just looked at me. "you know the bus, you know..." I started and then she interrupted me.

"I don't know it without you there and I'd passed out Nathan, waking up after what I just did in the's scary." she whispered, I nodded. "I know love, but it's alright, I'm here, do you think you're alright?" I asked, she nodded slowly. "good, I don't like seeing you like this, now, hold a straight face and everything will be alright." I said, then held her chin between my forefinger and thumb and pulled her down and kissed her nose.

"I'm here for you and I'll never go away." I said and let her chin go. She kissed my cheek and then buried her face into my shoulder again, inhaling deeply. "I know." she whispered and snuggled against me. I ran my hand down her back and every time I did I felt her flinch, but I kept doing it.

I stroked her back until she stopped tensing up and just relaxed against me. I smiled and kissed her head. "wow, I guess she isn't ok." said the woman and I growled, Id forgotten where I was. I looked at her and scowled. "she's perfect and don't you fucking say other wise." I barked and picked Ellen up and stood.

I started walked out and heard the woman say. "wow, he's a little over protective." "OH PISS OFF!" I shouted and kept walking. "she's being overdramatic, crying over being left on a bus alone, she has some real attachment issues & really needs to get her shit." she scoffed. "FUCK! this interview is over you bitch!" shouted Tom.

"of course she has attachment issues to Nathan she was fucking kidnapped and abused for years!" he continued. "he's the only kindness she knows and Nathans the only person she loves, she just got taken away from him, tried to kill herself and then woke up passed out alone. Her shit is being abused for years, knowing nothing but pain and sorrow, having given up and being an empty shell of a person, that Nathan is finally managing to pull her out of, SO OF COURSE SHE WAS CRYING AND OF COURSE SHE WANTS TO BE WITH HIM YOU CUNT!" he screamed.

Then I went out the door and saw all the fans, none of them were screaming to me, or asking me to marry them like always. They were just staring somberly at the window that they could see the other boys in. I looked and saw siva and jay staring angrily at the woman while Tom was screaming at her and looked like he was about to hurt her and max was holding him back.

I walked over to the window in the fenced off section and watched. "tell them to stop fighting, they're just causing more problems over me, I don't want to cause problems." whispered Ellen from my chest. "you didnt cause the problem, that bitch did." I said.

"no, it's just upsetting, she's right, I shouldnt be so over dramatic and so attached to you." she said and I stiffened. "no love, you're just as attached to me as I am to you because I love you and I ju..." I started and she pushed out of my arms so she was standing and stared at me. "you know that's not true, I'm attached to you for a whole different reason." she said, I nodded.

"I know, but maybe I like that you rely on me." I said, she sighed and shook her head. "no, not this much." she said. "Ellen, when will you understand that I love you and that I know you have problems, but i take you, problems and all." I said and she stared at me, then walked over. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me.

I kissed her back and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I lightly put my hands on her hips and pulled her against me. She tentatively opened her mouth, i gave her tongue access and we started making out. She wound her fingers through my hair and kissed me. I ran my hands up her back till I reached the nape of her neck, touched her hair and she shivered.

"enough, enough." she begged as she breathed against my lips. I sighed and let her go. She quickly backed up and looked at me. She was panting and I watched as a shivered ran through her whole body. "come on, let's go back to the bus." I said, she nodded and I turned towards all the fans and gaped at what I saw.

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