Chapter 3

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Sivas pov

I walked down the street, it was almost dark outside, we'd been searching for hours and we hadn't found her. We'd split up a while ago and I was in Hyde park. "Ellen!" I shouted, no response, I looked around me and I couldn't see her. I walked off the path and saw a big fenced in space filled with dogs, it was the dog park.

"Ellen!" I shouted, no response. I went over to the fence and looked around, I froze. Ellen was sitting in the middle of the dog park, at least six dogs around her with a medium red dog in her lap. She was petting it and the others were sitting by her and laying with their heads resting on her. I sighed in relief and went inside.

I walked over and Ellen looked at up me, the usual fear wasn't in her eyes, she look...calm. "Ellen, we've been worried about you." I said, she didn't say anything for a moment. "I like dogs." she said, I had a feeling we'd be here for a while, so I sat down next to her and petted one of the dogs. "I like dogs, because they are so, real." she said. "dogs never hurt me, they do things because of instinct, they never lash out without reason. They're fair." she said as the one in her lap licked her face.

"the guys I was with, they had a dog. He was a huge rottweiller and looked ferocious and mean. They kept him chained up in the yard whenever they were there, when they left they'd unchain him and lock him inside with me, because they thought he would hurt me." she started. "he didn't, he was sweet. If they beat me before they left, he would lay with me, so I could touch him and he'd whine when I cried." she looked at me.

"it was mind blowing, a dog that people say is to dangerous, helping a girl when it's humans were hurting her. The dog had more humanity then those bastards ever will." she stopped talking and looked at me. "the guys that took me, there were five of them. The one who actually took me, the leader, the one who was the worst. He wasnt very tall, he was about 5'9. His hair was dark brown and was in a fringe over his face. He always wore ripped jeans and t-shirts. His eyes..." she shuddered.

"they were grey. If you looked at him, you'd see a happy, nice guy, but when you looked into his eyes, you could see his horrible soul. He looked like Nathan..." she whispered. "when they took me, I was at a playground, I think I was twelve, he...he came over to me and he looked scared. He told me that he'd lost his dog. I know id been told never to go off with strangers, but, he had the dogs leash and the ripped collar. He pointed to another girl who was calling someone's name, I don't remember what name. He told me that she was his daughter and that she was looking for his dog to."

"I trusted him because he had a kid. We walked around, calling his name for a long time and didn't find him. Then we did, he was on the street and the man ran after him. I ran to and we chased the dog down the sidewalk, the next thing I knew, Id been pulled into a van, then everything went black." she shuddered, but pulled the dog closer to her and kept talking.

"the next thing I remembered, I was waking up in someone's bed and the guy was there. He...he told me I'd never see anyone I ever knew again. Told me to give up hope..." tears fell down her cheeks, then she was silent. Minutes passed and she said nothing. "so, what did you do?" I asked, she looked at me and I saw the fire in hers eyes. "I punched him dead in the face, told him to go fuck himself and ran." she said and I could hear the pride in her words.

"but, I didn't get far before he grabbed me, that was my first beating." I saw her instinctively rub her wrist. "I was so rebellious, never did anything anyone told me. When they told me to do anything, I'd spit on them,or fight them. They'd tie me up, Everytime I did something wrong they'd beat me. It took them six months before they broke me enough to do what they told me. Then they'd go out, everyday, from six am, till three pm, everyday. When they came home a lot of the time they were drunk and they'd hurt me." she continued, with tears still streaming down her face.

"after a while I learned showers were safe. Two years passed and thats when I gave up hope. I got up only to avoid a beating, half the time it didn't work. I contemplated killing myself and tried on several occasions, but never did it. That dog was the only thing that kept me from going insane. He was what saved me." she ended and just stared at me with a blank expression on her face.

"you're different." she said and put the dog down, she crawled over to me and sat in my lap. She touched my face and looked at me. "you're different, you're kind and sweet and you look, different" she said. "I like you, I feel safe around you." she said and hugged me. I tentatively reached my hands up and wrapped her in a hug. She flinched, but didn't pull away and continued to hug me.

"the boys, we're all kind, we'll never, ever hurt you. We'll never let anyone hurt you again." I said, she hugged me tighter and started crying. "I'm just scared this isn't real, I'm scared that I'm going to wake up tomorrow and this will all have been a dream, that I'll be back in that place." she sobbed. "I don't want to leave, I like it here, with you boys, I don't want to go back to that." she cried. "sh, sh, sh, it's ok." I whispered and stroked her hair.

"don't touch my hair." she whispered, I stopped and rested my arms around her back. "ok." was all I said and she nuzzled my neck. "thank you siva, thank you." she said. "I used to be a fan, before I was taken. And I think...I think the reason I helped that man find his dog, was because he looked like Nathan." she admitted, oh fuck. "it's ok Ellen, they'll never get you again, you're safe with us." I said.

"that's what I used to think about my home, but...not anymore." she whispered, I pulled back and looked right into her eyes. "Ellen, I promise you, right now, that no one, no one, will ever, ever hurt you again." I said and she nodded. "I believe you seev, I feel safe with you." she said, I kissed her forehead and she stiffened against me.

"don't do that again." she whispered, I nodded. "I won't, but Ellen, it means I love you." I said, she frowned. "I don't remember what love is anymore siva." she admitted as she hugged me. "don't tell the other boy what I just told you, please." she begged, I nodded. "I wont, now come on, we best be getting back, the others are worried sick." I said, she nodded and I picked her up.

I carried her out of the dog run and out of the park. I got to the bus and saw no one was there. I put Ellen in my bed and she snuggled under the covers. "I'm going to go tell the boys you're ok." I said, she nodded. "you're safe here." I said walked down the bus. I grabbed my phone and sent out a text to all the boys 'found her' then went to the kitchen and made tea.

After a while all the boys got on. "where is she?" asked Nathan. "she's asleep." I answered. "where was she?" asked Maggie. "in the dog park." I answered. "we were in there for a while, she told me a lot." I admitted. "what did she say?" asked Maggie, I shook my head.

"I can't tell you, she told me not to." I said, the boys sighed. "well, is she going to run away again?" asked Nathan, I shook my head. "no, she doesn't want to leave." I said. "ok." said max and he and Tom went to get some sleep. Jay, Nathan and Maggie were still standing there. "here, come on Maggie, you can use my extra bed." said jay. Maggie and jay left while Nathan and I stayed put.

"is she ok?" asked Nathan, I nodded. "she's been through a lot, but, I think you can bring her back." I said, Nathan sighed. "Nathan the guy who was the worst, he looked just like you." I admitted, nathan frowned. "I don't want her to be scared of me." he admitted. "I know, I know, I think if we just give her time, then she'll be fine." I said. "now come on, we better get some sleep." I added, Nathan nodded so we went and got to the beds.

Nathan stared at Ellen and sighed, then got into his bed. I got in my bed and Ellen immediately awoke. "inside siva, inside, I need a way out." she said desperately, I moved over so she could get away and she sighed. I laid on my back and she cuddled up with my chest but I didn't touch her.

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