Sfw - Luna and Ginny

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- I think that Luna and Ginny are the same type of person but on opposite ends of the spectrum. Both are completely unapologetically themselves, where Ginny is more punk about it, while Luna is more hippy about it. With the both of them constantly being themselves and encouraging you to do the same, it wouldn't be long before they had you completely comfortable with yourself.

- Something else these two have in common is their cuteness meters are off the charts. Prepared to be overwhelmed by their cuteness. Playing in bubble baths together, water fights, chasing each other around the house, random tickle attacks, styling each other's hair.

- White with gold and dark blue accents.

- Ginny is a feminist and would absolutely got to protests for things like the metoo movement. (Did they have that in the 90s?) Luna would also go to support Ginny, and you would be roped along. Unless you wanted to go anyways, in that case, Ginny brought an extra microphone :)

- Once the three of you are thinking of getting a house, it would have to have two requirements. 1. It has to be near a public Quidditch Pitch, so Ginny can practise. Or at least be on a lot of land so she can practise without worrying about hurting anyone or anyone getting in the way. 2. A greenhouse or space to put one, for Luna. Luna may not be as into plants as Neville, but I can see her transforming some old shed into a tiny greenhouse for her to store her succulents and cacti, some cute rocks or crystals she finds around

- Green tea and the smell of sweet and sour.

- Both of them would want to go to pride, but this time it would be Luna who was more openly excited about it. With that being said though, both would absolutely paint their faces with their flags, and wear pride shirts, and wave little pride flags around.

- Sunflowers, sunflowers everywhere.

- Window shopping.

- Cute little pranks that Ginny got from the Twins' joke shop.

- Going out to eat at least twice a week, and getting take out for four days out of the week, because now that Ginny plays for the Holyhead Harpies, y'all have the money for that.

- Constantly going to visit Molly and Arthur and Xenophilius. I feel like as a consequence of y'alls relationship, Xenophilius and Arthur would become friends. And maybe your parents would join the mix if y'all are close. 

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