Sfw - Fleur and Tonks

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- Two feminist queens who don't take shit from anyone. As they shouldn't.

- Partners in crime: Tonks dragging you into pranks or practical jokes that end up with you both in a lot of trouble that Fleur has to get you out of.

- Cassette tapes and road trips with paper maps and feet hanging out the window.

- Fleur would have cute little French nicknames for the both of you.

- Consequently: Tonks melting when Fleur speaks french to you guys.

- Fleur teaching you guys how to style hair/do makeup.

- Tonks has an enamel pin collection and every once in a while Fleur will bring her home a pin because she saw it while shopping and it reminded her of Tonks.

- They would love Disney movies and make it a goal to watch every single one of them. (Fleur likes Mulan because she has a crush on Mulan and she likes Elsa because she wants to be Elsa (beautiful but powerful, respected and independent. This works because Tonks wants to be like Mulan.)

- Staying up late to talk about important philosophical things like old literature and feminism and equality and old poems and things like that.

- Tonks would love muggle energy drinks.

- Fleur has a vase of flowers on the dining table she always keeps stocked with fresh flowers.

- Tonks learning the phrase 'no homo' and saying it after she kisses either of you (even if you're a different gender than her)

- Lounging together on a futon/papasan/round swivel chair with your legs all tangled together and your sides pressed to theirs as you feed each other grapes.

- Tonks will flip off the camera whenever you or Fleur try to take a picture of/with her.

- Grape soda in wine glasses.

- You guys would have a Rottweiler named something badass like Demon or Bear or Chaos but you guys really just call her things like Baby Girl or Cuteness to the point that she no longer responds to her actual name.

- Floral patterned couches and matching chairs, in your living room/sitting room.

- Coming up with cute throuple ship names for yourselves.

- You guys would have matching sunglasses/necklaces/jackets/etc so you guys can go out and be all matchy matchy with at least one of your articles of clothing/accessories.

- Tonks pulling you into the bathroom when Fleur is taking a bubble bath and making you sit on the toilet as she sits on the edge of the tub and all three of you just talk. Tonks would probably start painting her toenails, and Fleur would use the bath bubbles to give herself a mustache to try and make you laugh. 

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