Sfw - Luna and Draco

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- Luna would definitely help Draco get in touch with his more emotionally intelligent side, leading Draco to be far more open and comfortable, meaning your relationship itself would be very open and comfortable and accepting.

- Draco would obviously take a lot of work, getting him out of his old blood-purist habits and reminding him not to call people slurs.

- An abundance of flower crowns and crystal wind chimes.

- Fresh cut grass and the smell of rain on its way.

- Curtainless windows, the sun covering the entire room in it's light.

- Long showers that fill the bathroom with steam.

- Chess, checkers, and analyzing books - activities that exercise the mind.

- You guys would always eat dinner as a family. No matter if Draco came home late for work at one in the morning, or if Luna was away on one of her trips and you had to eat by the fireplace as she

- One day, you and Draco would wake up and Luna wouldn't be in bed. So you ventured out to the kitchen, then the living room and she was sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table. Making origami. She would look up at the both of you, smile, and motion for you to sit. "Good morning, my dears. I made you both a cup of tea, and there are cushions ready for you on the floor."

- Lounging in a pool, on floaties.

- Gentle kisses on your forehead as you get ready for work, and warm, tight, welcoming hugs once you get home.

- Feelings of content and peace.

- Homemade virgin margaritas.

- Luna would 100% get you guys into smoothies, and Draco would never admit it but he liked it better than tea itself, especially during the warm summers.

- Draco would get home from work, with his button up shirt, sleeves rolled up and the first two buttons undone. Luna would just kind of stare for a moment, after greeting him with a kiss on the cheek and a hug, then disappear into the bedroom. Neither of you would really notice, Draco telling you about his day... until Luna came out wearing another one of his button downs in the same manner. Luna would go about her business, and when one of you broke out of your awestruck stupor to ask what she was wearing, she would shrug and say, "It looked quite lovely and Draco, I figured I would give it a try."

- Spoiler, it looks quite lovely on the both of them. 

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