Sfw - Bill and Fleur

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- Fleur is a bad bitch and doesn't take shit from anyone. If someone decides to throw shade about you, in any manner, she's on that shit immediately. That person will need a whole new ego by the time she's done with them.

- Bill is a feminist.

- He's also a soft boy. He likes to wear makeup and paint his nails and has most definitely worn a man bun.

- One time you were playing with his hair and braided a little chunk of it and he kept it until the hair tie came out in his sleep. He even showered with it. Just because every time he looked in the mirror and saw it, he thought of you.

- All three of you getting ready together in the morning. Taking a shower together, brushing your teeth together, Fleur helping you both do your makeup (if you wear makeup) and your hair, etc.

- Bill isn't the kind of guy to just say he's a feminist. He's actually a feminist. His mother raised him right, and he knows how to actually be a gentleman.

- This also means that he is not squeamish about periods at all. If you have periods he will pamper you the entire time, and he does the same thing with Fleur. Fluffy blankets, hot cocoa or tea, heating pads, lots of cushiony pillows, rubbing your stomach to soothe the cramps, leg and back massages when you're feeling achy, getting your favorite snacks/cravings.

- Bill has a weird way of displaying affection. Like he'll kiss you on the cheek or the forehead, he'll hug you, he'll hold your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulder but sometimes?

- Sometimes he'll just randomly reach over and pinch you. Not hard enough to hurt, but just enough for you to feel it. On your hips, on your waist, on your shoulders or arms, on your legs or thighs. Anywhere he can reach. He has no idea how it started, Molly has no idea how it started, Fleur has no idea how it started but yeah. Sometimes he'll just pinch you.

- Fleur collects flavored teas. Not on purpose though, she doesn't drink tea nearly often enough to use it all up but she keeps buying tea every time she finds a type she hasn't seen before.

- Bill and Fleur both bring home random bobbles. Like this ceramic figurine of some old guy ice fishing? Bill just brought it home one day because he thought it kinda looked like Arthur. The windchimes made of old scrap metal? Fleur heard it while shopping in Diagon alley and decided to buy it even though it's ugly, just because she liked the sound of it.

- You guys never eat out. You always eat at home, and you always make dinner together. It's not like a rule, no one really planned it. It's just how it plays out. 

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