Sfw - Blaise and Luna

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- Both of them are incredibly observant. They will know what you are thinking before you know what you're thinking.

- Talking about feelings, a lot. Blaise seems like he wouldn't be the 'talk-about-you-feelings' type, but that's only because he's quiet and shy around people he doesn't know. Once he gets to know you two, you will discover he actually talks a lot and is extremely emotionally intelligent.

- Piggy-backing on the 'talks a lot' thing, I don't mean that in a rambling way. I mean that as in depth, extensive, philosophical discussions about everything from nargles to muggle culture to pumpkin juice vs butterbeer.

- Both of them are very intelligent, in a creative way: Abstract Intelligence.

- Blaise asking both you and Luna to pose for his paintings, referring to you as his muses affectionately.

- Both of them are incredibly protective and ready to defend you or each other if the moment arises.

- I think both of them would be the type to give you a hug and a kiss for every greeting. Luna gives me cheek kisses and full on hug vibes, and Blaise gives me forehead kisses and side hug vibes.

- Luna would absolutely return home with any array of stray animals. Your house would be full of them. And as soon as Blaise realises that you two don't mind stray animals being brought home, he would be picking up every stray he sees.

- Until you need to buy a whole new house with lots of land to house all the strays.

- You would constantly be going on vacations, just to see the world and experience all the new cultures. Finding house sitters would be difficult, but luckily you guys had friends like Harry or Draco that are willing to help.

- Or even that one time you asked them both to house sit at the same time and came home to them being much friendlier than when you left...

- They both have a sort of deadpan dry humor that you have to watch for. Eventually you will be able to tell almost immediately from the slight change in their voice or facial expressions as they when they tell jokes.

- You guys cook together all the time. All three of you have built up this perfect in sync routine where you all move together like the cogs of a machine, as you make the meal.

- Switching out Sunday dinners between Blaise's mom and Luna's dad. Sometimes, having them both over to the house so you guys can have the best of both worlds. (Your parents too, if you are close with them)

- The both of them love to play with your hair, and Luna's. Blaise's too if he ever grows it out.

- While you are still in Hogwarts, going to all of Blaise's quidditch games to cheer him on.

- And then Blaise and you buy two of every new edition of the Quibbler, to support her and her father.

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