Sfw - Lavender and Neville

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- Honey and vanilla chamomile tea

- Scrapbooking your lives and having memorabilia from every date. (ripped corner of a picnic blanket, a movie ticket, receipts from restaurants, etc)

- Your walls would be filled with pictures of each other and your loved ones.

- Succulents.

- A fluffy, grey cat that was a stray but somehow worked their way into your lives. You don't know their gender so you haven't given them a name yet but you guys alternate between calling them Handsome and Precious and Beautiful. They are very aloof and come and go as they please, but they constantly show up before a storm (they hate the rain) and Lavender has started using them to predict the weather.

- Neville letting you guys style his hair with fancy products and do his makeup.

- Singing your heart out in the car on the way to get ice cream.

- Neville and Lavender are both amazing listeners and advice givers.

- They're also both simps. They both are amazed by everything you do, and you can never do any wrong. They would also do anything for you.

- During a scrapbooking misadventure glitter somehow got all over you, Neville and Lavender's clothes.

- You're still finding glitter all over the house to this day.

- Lavender is a horrible cook. Neville tries to help teach her some cooking skills but unless it comes in a box and has 3 or less steps she will not be able to make it.

- You would never go a moment without feeling loved. Lavender and Neville both love full heartedly, and neither are afraid to love. Both are very vocal about it. They have the same love languages, physical touch and words of affirmation 100%

- You guys would probably have small pets. Like mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, bunnies, turtles. That sort of thing. But nothing too small that you can't really interact with. Like fish or hermit crabs.

- The cat would get along with them, but only because they are so aloof.

- So many cute non-traditional gifts like rocks, plants, crystals, or trinkets. But also traditional gifts like very simple jewelry, hand picked flowers, poorly folded origami.

- Lavender leaving little notes, written in gel pen or on brightly construction paper/post-it-notes around the house for you and Neville. Neville would pick up on this habit, but he probably wouldn't use gel pens. If you ever leave Lavender or Neville notes they would always keep them, no matter what they say.

- Lavender would be the type to have a little box that she keeps memories in, and that's where she would put the notes you wrote her. Neville would keep his in his wallet until he had too many. Then he would keep them in his bedside table but save his favorite one or two to leave in his wallet.

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