Nsfw - Pansy and Astoria

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- Pansy topping the fuck out of you and Astoria.

- Astoria moans a lot. Like if you've ever watched porn, that's what she sounds like naturally.

- Pansy gives me spanking vibes. She would definitely spank you. And pull your hair.

- And, on the very rare occasion that you're on top, she'll leave scratch marks down your back.

- Astoria was hesitant at first because she didn't want to hurt you, but when she saw that you liked it she got a little rougher as well.

- At first Astoria would like to keep sex to the bed. Not really into having sex anywheres else.

- Eventually Pansy would begin to slowly pull her out of her comfort zone. She's really good at convincing people to try new things, it's her secret talent.

- The first time Pansy really pushes Astoria is when you guys are in potions. All three of you were sitting together, and Astoria was between you and Pansy. Pansy had been slowly stroking Astoria's thigh as you and Astoria held hands. You could tell when Pansy started to push it, because Astoria held onto your hand tighter and tighter as Pansy reached up her skirt.

- You didn't really understand how strong Astoria was until she nearly crushed all of the bones in your hand because Pansy decided to edge her in class.

- Afterwards Astoria was so flustered, but still hopped on adrenaline, and you guys ended up finishing what you started in a nearby utility closet.

- Pansy calling you her 'good boy/girl/preferred' whenever she's in a good mood and a 'desperate slut' whenever she is in a bad mood.

- As I've said before, Astoria likes to avoid alcohol, but I think because she gets really touchy feely when she's drunk. And therefore: Drunk Astoria loosing all her boundaries and trying to full on have sex with you and Pansy on the Slytherin commonroom couch in front of all your friends so you and Pansy have to bring her up to her bedroom and tuck her in.

- One time, when Astoria was just having a really bad day (failed an important test, teachers kept getting angry at her, she couldn't focus, Draco was extra douchey that day) she would just sort of snap and push you and Pansy down on the bed before doing literally whatever the fuck she wanted to you guys (with your consent of course)

- Queens of aftercare. Soft blankets, new sheets, cuddling, water, snacks, a bath or shower, massages, etc. Not necessarily in that order.

- Not really that sexual but Astoria likes to kiss you (and Pansy) just for the sake of kissing you. She likes the intimacy of standing or sitting close to you, with her arms around your neck and your arms around her waist just kissing you. Nothing fancy. Not with the intent of sex. Just to kiss you. 

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