Sfw - Hermione and George

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- Hermione would be an amazing influence on George, getting him to study and actually do well in his classes.

- They would honestly argue a lot. They have very different personalities, where Hermione is serious and careful, George is fun loving and playful.

- The furthest either of them will ever go with PDA is kisses on the cheek or holding hands.

- George kissing the back of your hand in greeting, like some sort of Victorian Gentleman.

- Getting kicked out of every nearby library or bookstore.

- Burnt orange with dark wood accents.

- Quiet nights after the arguments where George is out with Fred and Hermione is studying/reading, leaving you to entertain yourself.

- George would be the first one to apologize, and Hermione would then apologize as well and you guys would do some healing cuddling.

- Molly would love that you and Hermione were a part of the Weasley family, officially, whereas before it had just been a faux adoption sort of thing.

- Hermione's parents practically fall in love with the both of you, so happy that Hermione has found two someones that could help bring her out of her shell.

- You guys would eat together more often than not, though some days Hermione or George would run late at work. Whoever didn't stay late would go with you to bring them dinner at work.

- Hermione would sort of become the unofficial accountant for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

- George, in exchange, would have Weasley's Wizard Wheezes officially sponsor S.P.E.W.

- Baby sitting Teddy for Remus and Tonks and realizing just how adorable George is with kids. This would get Hermione thinking about wanting kids of course.

- Honestly the only reason this relationship would work is because of you. You would be sort of the middle ground for them, and they would feel like they would have to make it work for you which in turn would make it work because it would be you who brought them together.

- Fred would tease George about having 'two fine partners', and then proceed to flirt with the both of you like you weren't dating his twin.

- Long, in depth intelligent conversations with Hermione about the things you're interested in. Especially if you get her into the same fandoms as you.

- George would try on some of Hermione's jewelry, as a joke and of course Hermione would tell him to put it away cause he could break it and of course he wouldn't, and eventually it was no longer a joke and George realized he liked wearing her necklaces and rings and earrings so you and Hermione started buying him his own.

- They would both be unreasonably competitive when playing card/board games. 

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