Chapter 43: The Devil

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"Will you marry me?" Was the first sound I heard once I walked inside. Laura....

"What...?" She asked. She's not ready, she's too young. I won't let her, not right now. "Laur-" I tried saying, but she gave me this look trying to get me to shut up. "Ross- I'm sorry. I can't. Not right now. Not this time. I can't marry you, and I won't marry you. I was born to be poor. You were born to be rich. I'm only a fan, you're a rockstar. We have nothing in common. I haven't been exploring my life enough, and I need to know me before anyone else. I want to learn how I work before anyone knows how I work. But, I need to let you go, for the best. I'm- I'm sorry..." She leans in and gives him a soft kiss in the cheek.

She walks out of the place, leaving Ross' heart, smashed. She just had it in her hands, when she dropped it, just like that. He dropped the box out of his hands and dropped on his knees.

Rydel looks at the screaming fans, but luckily, she was off stage. Thank god they didn't know what was happening. Rydel let out a quick sound and helped his own brother of the floor. But he wouldn't budge.

I saw the whole thing, while I wish I didn't. I quickly went outside to find Laura sitting on a bench. Strange, she wasn't crying, just showing no emotion, none.

"Why?" She asked. She turns around and I bit my lip. How did she see me? "Why what?" I asked.

"Why did you let me control him? Control what he does, what he wants to be." She stood up. "Well is it my fault that you wouldn't listen to me? That you were to busy looking at their stupid beauty?!" I make my hands turn into a fist.

"What is important to me, should be important to you! You shouldn't have let me get trapped into their trap! I was addicted, and you didn't get me out of it." She spit out venom, venom in her eyes, and venom in her mouth.

"Wow, ok, now it is my fault that everything that comes out of your mouth is stupid? Yea, that's you idiot! You are not my sister. I can totally tell that your adopted!"

"I'm not adopted!" She shrieked. She wasn't adopted, but I wish she wasn't here. "Well maybe you're not. But you're probably the cause of why mom died!"

"Mom did not die." She was in tears while she came up to me. "Because she's probably in hell, Laura!" She gets very defensive when I talk about mom.

"You idiot bastard!" She cries. She slaps. She falls down crying on her knees.

I hold my cheek where it stings. "You're damn right. I'm messed up." Those where my last words before I head inside once again.

"Like bruh, you gotta admit. She, that Laura girl, looked very sexy. I'm like telling you guys," I heard through the mic. I look at the stage and see Ross on stage.

What is he doing in there? All alone?

"Someone get the boy out of that stage!" I heard a guy that works at this place scream.

I bit my tongue. I can't handle this anymore. I walk on stage and give him a slap.

"Do never, ever, speak like that about sister again!" I warned. Was he drunk though?

I walk off stage and go up to Rydel and Riker who were talking.

"Mission complete!" I made a sarcastic clap. "What do you mean?" Rydel asked. "What I mean, you made your own brother broke. Drunk. Can't you see him?"

I point to Ross. "Like guys, I wanted to marry her but nooooo! She never did! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo--" Andddd he vomits...

"You dirtbag, never talk like that about my brother!" Rydel yelled. Riker put his hand on Rydel's face causing her to stumble back and to shut up.

"Look, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting the whole marriage thingy. And I hope Laura will still try to teach Ross again..."

"Are you _____ kidding me?! You ____ blind? Listen to me, and listen to me good, I never want Ross talking or seeing Laura again. And that goes for you Lynch's too!" I took a step back when Riker did the same thing to Rydel over again.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Maybe we can work this out?" He grabbed my hand, but I slapped his hand away and said, "______ you."

"Hey, Vanessa! Why do-don't you tell your sick sister to come marry me?" Ross said from behind. How come they didn't see it?

"You stay ____ away from my sister!"

"Woah! Woah! No cuss wordssss hereee!" Ross said, clearly drunk. Or is he in drugs?

"Hey Vanessa--" Rocky tried talking to me, but Maelys just shushed him. "Leave me the ______ alone." Was all I said before leaving the place.

Past 1:00 AM.... I'm sooo in trouble....


Hellooooo! How are my Rockstars doing? So I've been getting less votes lately, and I'm sorry if this is getting boring for you. All of you who support me and keep voting and commenting thank youuuuuu!!! Do you guys want shout outs for a person in every chapter? One of them might be youuuu!



-Because SHE IS AMAZING! I can talk to her about anything, she's such a supportive friend! Also, her books are awesomeeeeeee as gogurt! I'm in love with them! GO FOLLOW HER IF YOU HAVEN'T!!!!!!! GO!


Ok, anyways, sorry for all the cuss words :( I didn't think I'de put to many. I'll try not to do it as often.

Okedoke! Bye!

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