Chapter 39: Little Bro Day

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//Ross and Rydel's Siblings Day!\\

Rydel's POV;

"C'mon Ross! Let's go shopping!" I screamed, dragging him to my favorite store. "Why do we have to look at shoes?" He complained. I smiled and we went inside. "It's called Payless, not Paymore. They have a discount right now! EEEK!" I squealed. He covers his ears and groans.

"You're lucky you're my sister." I grab his hand and smile. "Sit. Sit." I pointed to a chair, treating him just like a little kid. He sighs and sat down.

"I'm going to look around. You stay here. Mom would kill me if I lost you..." I said. He nodded slowly, thinking if he didn't pay attention, I'll tell mom.

I slowly walk to a section of shoes and try to find one that I like. I look back at where I left Ross, to see no figure there.

What is that kid up too?!

I quickly ran out of the store to find him licking an ice cream. Ugh, he's just like a little kid. I'm never having kids.

"Where were you? I told you to stay in the damn chair!" I yelled but tried to whisper.

"Here, I got you an Ice Cream, your favorite flavor, Cookie-Dough!" He completely ignored me. I rolled my eyes and shot him a glare.

"That's your favorite ice cream flavor. Everybody knows my favorite flavor is Strawberry," I fake smile at him as he chuckles.

"Look, Rydel, I don't want to hang out at Paymore--"


"PAYLESS! I want to go eat at a restaurant," he explained.

I sigh, shake, groan, and pout. All in order.


------------------------THE ROCKSTAR IN ME------------------------

"So, when is my next concert?"

We finally got to the restaurant he wanted to go. We were eating our food while making kinda of a small talk.

"On Sunday. You ready?" I ask. He nods and closes his eyes for a moment, but then opens them again.

"You won't get mad, right?" he asked. I laughed, the memory of me yelling at Ross because he did a mistake.

I shook my head and ask, "how's it going between you and Laura?"

He smiled, drifting off to his little day dream of Laura.

"It's going great. Once she gets out of the hospital, she'll be all mine... I can finally hold her close, make her happy, and I can finally kiss her."

I nodded and looked down. Suddenly finding my hands so interesting.

"Rydel, can I ask you a question....? Do you think I should propose to Laura......?"


Hey! So I guess the 10 comments didn't work out... So, yea.

I want you guys to know that I work hard on these chapters. They may seem short but that's because I can only write late at night, right now is 1:11 AM. I also edit it and try to fix every error I made. I barely have time to write.

So please guys, can you make me smile and at least give me 3 comments. It'll be the world to me :)

Bye my Rockstars! Keep Rockin' :*

The Rockstar In Me (Raura)Where stories live. Discover now