Chapter 45: Awkwardness

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Today's my birthday, just wanted to let it out there... Ok. I'm probably boring you right now, so yea. Here's the chapter... HOPE YA ENJOY IT! Ok, bye, have a nice life.. ✌️👋


Vanessa's POV;

"Cough, cough..." Rocky pretended coughing. Silence filled the room, that you could even hear the clock ticking. "Cough, cough..." He coughed again.

Ok, is he sick or something?! "Cough, OW!" Rocky shrieked, probably Ross hit him under the table.

"Ok, geez, sneeze, sneeze..." Rocky sneezed.... -.-

Funny story... This is what happened...


This Morning;
(Still Vanessa's POV;)

"Ok, Laura I don't understand why you don't want to go!" I told her. I made my arms go up, with a small groan along the way.

"It's the Lynch's! I'm too embarrassed to go there!" She said her alibi. That is clearly a lie! She didn't embarrass herself, she just knows that it'll be awkward when we go out for dinner with the Lynch's.

"Please Laura. You can't just back out! Ok, let's make a deal. If something goes wrong with you and the Lynch's, we'll never see them again, you choose. I'm not forcing you. But I really want to make things right."

She sighs and gives me this look, "Fine!"

(Still Vanessa's POV;)

"Sneeze, sneeze..." Rocky sneezed. Ross sighed and looked at Laura who was looking down at her lap. I bit my tongue, forcing my mouth not to open and say something stupid.

But I couldn't control myself.

"Okay! This is ridiculous!"

"Sneeze, snee--"

"Rocky! Stop sneezing! Ross, Laura, come here, now." I demanded.

Laura gave me this glaring look, that I couldn't understand. Is she mad at me. We talked through our eyes, as if me saying, "Girl, get yo behind over here."

Ross, actually, he just, he just had this face that I couldn't understand. I mean-- Is he mad at me or something? What the heck did I do?

We go up to Ross' room and me and Laura sit on the bed. While Ross is staring into space. "I'll let you two to talk..." I said, and left.

Laura's POV;

He sits on the bed next to me and I lay down with my hands on my side. He lays down with me and looks at my hand. He glances at me quickly and barely touches my hand.

"I'm sorry." He spoke softly. I didn't respond, it wasn't like I needed too. "Look, I know what I did wasn't what you expected, and I'm sorry. I think I got a little overboard.." He explained.

"Do you want to start over?" I softly ask. He takes my hand and I move my head up to his chest, while his arm is around me.

I suddenly did the unexpected. I take my hand and put it on top of his chest. All I could really feel and hear, was his heart beat. It was slow and gentle, it seemed like he was relaxed and calm.

"Hi, I'm Ross.."


Aww! Cute ending, don't you think so? Sorry if it sucked, I was in a rush. THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING AND HAVE A NICE NIGHT!


-KitKat!❤️ (I'm sorry if my name makes you hungry... Because I'm already hungry myself....)

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