Chapter 50!!!: Sleeping Beauty

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Ross' POV;

Me and Laur got comfortable in each other's arms, so drifted to sleep. I was about to close my eyes when I feel her snuggle even more to my chest. I open my eyes and smiled. I kiss the top of her head, telling her that I was awake. She smiles with her eyes closed, knowing that I was by her side. My grip on her goes tighter, making her fall into my chest even more.

I start finding her hair very interesting, so I start playing with it. On the other hand, Laura goes to sleep, not having a care in the world.

------------------THE ROCKSTAR IN ME------------------

I didn't sleep last night. I was too busy looking at Laura's beauty. Not even a single second was I thinking of sleeping, not without looking at her.

Look at it this way, you can spend 8 hours sleeping, doing nothing, just laying in bed, bored out of your mind. OR you can spend 8 hours looking at the sleeping beauty in front of you. In fact, she looked prettier than sleeping beauty. What would you do?

I don't know about you, but everything that has to do with Laura, I'm in.

"Ross, can you pass the juice?" Ryland asked. I stared at Laura right in front of me, that was all I was doing. Everyone was eating breakfast, everyone but me.

"Ross?" He asked once again. I couldn't really tell if Ryland was getting mad, but knowing Ryland, he must be fuming.

"WHAT THE FREAK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He yells. I finally looked at Ryland, he was red with anger.

Rocky, Riker, and Ellington started laughing silently. While Rydel and Laura were trying hard not to laugh.

"ANSWER ME CHILD!" He yelled once again. "Uhm, sorry, what?" I ask.

He drops his fork and bangs his hand in the table, making Rocky blow up laughing.

"GAWD! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ANYMORE! YOU CAN'T PASS THE DAMN JUICE! WELL I'M PASSING THAT DAMN JUICE ON YOU!" He gets up, gets the juice and throws it all over me.

"Dude! What the hell?!" I screamed. "THANKS FOR PASSING ME THE DAMN JUICE!" He pouts and slouches down on the couch, making Rocky burst out laughing, Ellington chuckling, and Riker snickering.

And by now, Rydel took out her phone, recording the whole thing. And right now, Laura was showering me with kisses.

That's not so bad. Me and Laur go up to my room, and once we do. I quickly take of my shirt. No ew, I know what you're thinking. We're waaaaaaaaaay tooooo young!

I just grabbed another shirt and put it on.

I grab her hands and kiss her gently and soft. She was about to pull away but I keep the kiss going by making my hands go up to her waist and kissing her more roughly this time. Her small hands tug on my shirt, making me smile through the kiss.

I have to admit, when I'm kissing her, and my hands go on her waist, I'm scared my hands are gonna go accidentally on her butt by themselves. If that happens, I know Laura's not gonna like it. Plus, we've been only dating for like a month, we can't go too far.



She pulled away and I pouted. That's not fair...

What's not fair is that I still have orange juice in my hair, face, and probably lips.

Because what Laura said, was not funny, at all.

"Hey, you taste sweet and healthy..."



Wanna hear a secret? Ya'll know Aryanna? Right? The writer of The Affecting Love which is in my profile. My bestie? Get a clue?

Well yea, she was on Twitter on a random day. K? You following me? Yea, ok.

So she checked her notifications, yup, it said, "@officialR5 is following you."

Yes, R5 is following Aryanna on Twitter! This was yesterday, and she texted me saying... "OH MAH GAWSH! IM FAH REALZIES!! THEY FOLLOWED ME!" She was practically fan girling. BUT she was texting me, so tomorrow, she's gonna yell at me saying, "IM FAH REALZIES!" I know it, I can feel it!

So anyways, Im going to be updating this story every Monday and Friday. If you want to see my schedule for my other stories, I posted them on my message board. :)

Bye! I did this on April 15, So HAPPY EASTER! :)


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