Chapter 20!!: Fake Boy Is Here

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Laura's POV;

I get home from Ross' house, to find dad and Vanessa fighting. "Dad! Im telling you! He's a stalker!!" I walk around the house, and hide behind the wall, listening to their conversation. "Of course he isn't! Honey, i've seen him. He's a great role model for Laura. She loves the boys, and she can look up to the girl. It all works out. If she's happy, then im happy" My dad says. I open my mouth to say something, but it never said a word. I furrow my eyebrows and get closer.

"What are you guys talking about?" I breathe out. Vanessa smirks and says, "Oh nothing. Just about Ross Fake Lynch, and his fake family. Are you sure his name is Ross? Well, im just asking, because... Oh why bother? Take a look, honey. Were you wrong all along?" She passes me a newspaper, and i read the article out loud.

'Ross Lynch admits he's fake. But fake about what? He never told us why would he be fake, all he said was "Im fake". Everybody is dying to know more about him.'

I started breathing heavily, my lungs begging for air. But it never worked properly. I looked at Vanessa and she mouthed, 'Fake'. She smirked when i ran up to my room, shutting the door and putting the lock. Once im in, i broke down crying, me hugging my knees.

Look at where life takes me. Me bawling over a boy. Silly, uh?

After a few minutes i heard someone scream and yell, a shriek, and a growl. I look at the door and after a few seconds, someone knocked. "Leave me alone, Vanessa" I whined. The person knocked again. So, i sigh and open the door, to reveal a tall blonde. Also known as Ross. He had a big scratch in his neck all the way to his chest. His shirt had a bit of blood, also did his scratch. I look in to his eyes, to see anger mixed with sadness all in one.

When he finally had his voice to speak, he said, "Help me, please. Im so messed up"


Sorry this is short. I want to update my other stories as well :)

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