Hitch and Marlo

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The squad was walking through the forest, they knew the military were near, looking for them. Cori sighed and rested her head against a tree. She was on babysitting duty. Annie was staring at Cori. The rest of the squad was keeping an eye out for the military police.

Suddenly Cori felt a head on her shoulder, she turned to see Annie. "When are you going to tell them?" Annie asked referring to the 9 titans. She sighed. "When the times right," Cori said. Annie buried her face in Cori's neck and kissed it. Cori felt her knees go weak. "Annie," she hissed. Annie looked up at her before kissing her on the lips. It was passionate and Cori felt butterflies in her stomach. The two pulled away. "I missed you," Annie said quietly. "I missed you too," Cori said, a blush on her face.

Annie sat down against the tree, pulling Cori with her. Cori was surprised but didn't stop her. Cori wrapped her arms around her and pulled her close, causing Annie to turn a dark shade of red. "How come you don't hate me," Annie asked.  Cori looked down and stared into the blue eyes she had come to love. "I could never hate you, no matter how hard I'd try," Cori responded. Annie buried her head into Cori's chest.

Just then they heard a rustling. Cori jumped and put her hand on her sword she sighed seeing it was just the rest of the squad. "See anyone?" Cori asked. "No," Connie sighed. There was a rustling sound and Annie hastily stood up. Levi silently motioned for them to hide.

Cori made her way up a tree. She watched as a blonde haired girl and a black haired boy came walking. Cori and Mikasa gave each other a signal before moving down and hitting the two, making them go unconscious. They then proceeded to tie them up and drag them to the rest of the squad.

"Military Police, they could be of help," Levi said taking notice of their badges. Annie was staring at one of them, Cori took notice of this. "You know them or something?" she said in a harsher tone than she meant too.

Annie looked up at Cori and nodded. "Hitch and Marlo. Hitch shared a room with me and Marlo seemed to genuinely want to help people," she said. The squad just sat down, waiting for the two to wake up and keeping an eye out for other soldiers.

When Hitch and Marlo finally woke up they were being questioned and eventually Marlo gave up the information. He truly didn't like what the military police was doing. The entire time Annie hid the background.

"Wait hold up! You guys wrecked all that havoc in Sina! So many people died and Annie we don't even know where she is!" Hitch stated. Levi gave Cori a look. "Annie was the female titan," Levi said. Hitch was shocked. Annie stepped out from the background and Hitch was even more shocked. "Alright then well thank you for your cooperation I'll lead you away know," Levi said picking then up by their restraints and leading them away. Jean hastily followed after them and not to long after Levi emerged saying Jean was taking them.

Once Jean had come back they made their way into the outpost and raided it taking the commander of it with them. They were currently at a grove of trees and Levi was threatening the man in an attempt to get him to tell them where Historia and Eren were.

After knocking the guy's teeth out with his foot he said that they were under the orders of Kenny Ackerman. Both Levi and Mikasa perked up upon hearing this.

There was a rustling sound and they turned to see Hange and Moblit. "We did it! The scout regiment is free to do what is has been!" Hange exclaimed. Cori smiled at the section commander, they were always full of life.

After awhile of talking they came to the conclusion that Rod Reiss was most likely holding them at his old home. It had been burnt and destroyed by bandits and he was the only one that survived. However, he then paid to have it built again. Hange said the rest of the scout regiment with Erwin would be arriving soon and they began heading to the house.

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