Chapter Three

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Sky's POV
The next morning I woke up in my own bed. I guessed that Sam had carried me home. I quickly made up my bed then threw on a shirt and overalls. I brushed my hair and braided it then I walked to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed my sack off the hook then threw a loaf of bread and two apples into it. I checked to see if it had my hand drawn map, paper, pencils, book, and small dagger that was given to me by my parents. When I was all set I headed down to The River. On the way I ate one of the apples and looked over the map. I made myself promise to explore the Shire and part of the forest beyond when I first looked upon the peaceful place hoping to find something exciting. Something not so calm for my family blood was full of adventurous spirit. I decided to head farther then The River and go to one of my hiding places where I could draw and write songs. Typically I never told anyone of my songs. I only tell Sam. He says there really good and that my voice sounds really pretty. I always chose not to believe him so I would not become swallowed up in pride. When I arrived I sat down and started drawing a blue bird that was sitting on a branch of a small sapling. I made sure I sketched every detail big or small. It was noon when I finished the picture. I folded the image up and carefully placed it in my belongings. While I was digging through my stuff I pulled out the loaf of bread. Then I threw my sack over my shoulder and walked back to The River. I sat down beside The River and let my feet soak in the water while I ate my bread. I felt four people walk up behind me. I twisted around to see Sam, Frodo, Merry, and Pippin. Sam sat down beside me and grabbed the rest of the bread out of my hand.
"Hey!"I cried.
" have to.........share.....Sky,"he managed to mumble through his continuous chewing. I pulled out the last apple and threw it at him. He caught it and passed it to Pippin and Merry. I watched as the fought over it wrestling in the grass. Frodo simply stood to the side and stared at us with a smile on his face then he walked toward me and handed me a brown package. I read the tag quietly to myself:
From Gandalf
To my beloved Skylar
"He left last night and so did Bilbo,"he informed me. I sat there in shock.
"Bilbo?"I squeaked tears already streaming down my face. He nodded.
"Why?"I asked quietly.
"He longed to go on another adventure,"he answered sadly.
"I understand,"I whispered. Sam pulled me into a hug and I cried into his shoulder. When I finally stopped crying I unwrapped the gift. Inside there was journal, a bow, a quiver of arrows, and a note. The note read:
My dearest Skylar
I have given you these things because I believe you will need them soon. Strange things have have been found wandering in different lands. I have discovered something that roams in your lands everyday. Something that is very precious to an evil force that hides in the realm of Mordor. Something that can only be destroyed in a place call the Crack of Doom. This volcano is were this great evil was forged. If you have not already guessed what I am speaking of then I will tell you but you must speak to no one of it not even Samwise. It is a ring. I have left the Shire to research about it. I will be back very soon. Sadly this great evil is in the possession of Frodo Baggins. I request that you meet me at Frodo's house in two days at nighttime. There I will send you on one of the biggest quests of your life.
Your Dearest Friend
I traced my finger through the design on the bow. It was very pretty and just my size. It looked as though vines embraced it with it delicate green line spread in a plant like pattern. I studied the quiver closely. It was a lovely dark green with a strip of white wool wrapping around the opening on top. It was full of strong flexible arrows with black and white goose feather. The journal was also a magnificent sight. It had a brown cover with a image of hobbit girl pointing at a beautiful golden star. At the bottom of the journal my full name was engraved in golden letters reading:
Skylar Annabelle Hopesinger
It was gorgeous. I sat there tracing the letters of my name. They brought back so many memories of my dead parents. I never told anybody about my sad history except Sam and I made him promise not to tell anybody. I didn't need everybody feeling sorry for. The Shire is too happy to worry with nightmares and historical problems. Now they have to worry about ridding themselves of the great evil that Frodo has in his possession. I stuffed the gifts int my sack then stood up.
"Where are you going?"questioned Pippin.
"I have a very important errand,"I answered.
"What did Gandalf say?"Merry asked.
"He informed me he left on some very important business. He asked me to prepare a very special surprise,"I lied.
"What kind of surprise?"Pippin piped.
"You'll see,"I promised while walking away. When I arrived home I locked myself in my room and started packing. Then I stuffed the bag under my bed. I felt nervousness building up inside me. I decided to skip supper and go straight to bed. Soon I was in a deep sleep.

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