Chapter Twenty-five

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I winced as I opened my eyes to the bright sunlight. I stood up and walked into a another room to change. After I had finished my regular morning tasks, I walked back into the main room where the others were packing up there stuff. I hugged Pippin and told him good morning. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.
"Good morning, darling. How was your sleep?" He asked.
"It was good," I replied helping him stuff his things into a sack.
"We are supposed to head down to the river right now to be seen off," Pip sighed.
"Ok." We walked from the room and down to the banks of the river where most of the fellowship was already gathered. Pippin and I went and stood with them. Soon Celeborn and the queen, who's name I had learned from a rumor was Galadriel, appeared.
"We send our blessing with you as you depart to complete your task," Galadriel told us.
"May the stars watch over you," Celeborn added. Galadriel stepped up to us. She first went to Legolas, her kin.
"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim. Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin," she said then moved to Merry, Pippin, and Sam. "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war. Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage. And for you, Samwise Gamgee, Elven rope made of hithlain." Celeborn approached me with a smile.
"Hello, my dear, I have something for you," he said pulling me to the side. He handed me a small package wrapped in leaves. I opened it revealing a necklace with the key I had drawn on the ground and a small orb with a lock.
"It's beautiful," I gasped. Celeborn smiled.
"You know of the elves' magic. I had this made for you, but you must unlock the orb when you truly understand your own capabilities. It will not work if you do not follow my instructions," he gave me a stern look much like my father used to give me. I nodded.
"Thank you so much," I squealed pulling him into a a hug. He stood there tense at first then he loosened up and hug me back.
"Your welcome, my dear," he said letting go of me and getting down on one knee so we were face to face. "Don't let this sorrow you have inside control you, Skylar. Let it build you up. Let it make you stronger. If you let it have rule over you, you will never hold close what love you are being given. Cherish your memories you make with your friends. Never forsake the ones you love. Don't let fear or lust rule your heart. Be the person you were made to be. Live up to your full potential." A tear trickled down my face as the thoughts of saying goodbye to Celeborn came to mind. I grown very fond of him already. The elf king reach out and wiped the tear away.
"Goodbye, my dear," he said with a sigh.
"Goodbye," I replied with a sad smile as he stood up. He smiled then returned to his place beside Galadriel. The Fellowship boarded the small elven rafts. Legolas helped me in his boat and sat me down in the middle. Gimli sat down in the boat as well. We pushed off from shore and allowed the current the pull us down the river. I looked back to see Galadriel and Celeborn waving goodbye. I smiled.
"I have taken my worst wound at this parting, having looked my last upon that which is fairest. Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me," Gilmi said breaking the silence.
"What was her gift?" Legolas asked.
"I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three," the dwarf said with a dreamy look. I stifled a laugh. Gimli growled and gave me a nasty look.
"Humph, the person laughing is the only one Galadriel didn't give anything to," Gimli sneered.
"Actually, Gimli, Lord Celeborn presented mine to me," I said giving him a sly look. His face grew red in aggravation.
"And what did he give you, miss special?"
"He gave me a key I drew my self last night. He had it crafted specially for me. He also gave me this orb. He said it had some type of elf magic." I showed the angry dwarf my gifts. By now I could almost see smoke coming from his ears. Legolas laughed.
"Seems she has your gift beat," the elf said giving me a humorous smile. Gimli did not laugh instead he remained quiet as we floated down the river. A regretful feeling rolled around in my stomach. I shouldn't have bothered him, but I just couldn't resist. I sighed. Slowly I allowed my mind to wander off wandering what was up ahead.
Ayyy, my fellow lotr fans! How do you like the book so far? Is there something that you don't like? Some of the best parts are coming up soon. If you do like this book please tell me or vote. I love hearing feedback. Now is also the time to agree if you want me to place the next movie in another book. We have at least one or two more chapters before we start The Two Towers. If you do I already have a name and if not I have a pretty song for one of the sad parts.
Lotr Fun facts for this chapter:
The gifts in the movie were actually quite different from the book. There were actually only three gifts that were true to the book.
Frodo: His gift was the same. He received the Light of Eärendil. Eärendil was a famous figure in Middle Earth history. He was said to be a sailor who carries a star across the sky.
Samwise Gamgee: In the movie, Sam receives an coil of elven rope. In the book, he actually receives dirt from Galadriel's Orchard and a Mallorn seed that are held in a small box of grey wood. On the lid of the box was a "G." He is said to have used his gift to replant the trees of the Shire after the Scouring of the Shire. The Scouring of the Shire is an event mentioned in the Return of the King which was not shown in the movie. When the hobbits returned home, they found Saruman and his scum "corrupting" the Shire which brings up another fact. The Fellowship did not kill Saruman at the tower like the movie tells us. They left him to suffer his own miserable self. Some people think the Scouring of the Shire was a symbol for the damage left after World War II. Tolkien denied this.
Merry and Pippin:  In the book, Galadriel gave the two hobbits silver belts with gold flower-shaped clasps, a piece of clothing well desired by the elves.
Aragorn: In the movie, he is given a curved Elvish hunting knife. In the book, he is given a magical scabbard. Any sword sheathed in the scabbard would never break. He was also given Elessar the Elfstone, a silver eagle shaped brooch that Arwen had left for him. Of course, in the movie Arwen had already given him the necklace so they did not show the stone, but the scabbard does appear later in the movie. Elrond gives him the scabbard  never telling him that it was magic.
Legolas: His gift was the same, but just to give you a little special incite I will tell you about it. The bow was created deep in the forest of Lothlorien. It was strung with elf-hair.
Gimli: We all know what Gimli receives. Yes three strands of Galadriel's hair is truly what he receives. Some say the reason this is so important is because long ago when Galadriel was younger a well known elf came to her and fell for her beauty. He too asked for a single strand of hair, yet Galadriel seeing the greed and lust for power in his heart would not give him her hand not even a single strand. So the significance of this is that elves and dwarves had not been getting along. To be given something that was not even given to her own kin, was a honorable thing. Of course, Gimli knew nothing about the elf who had asked before him. He cherished her three hairs though. It is said that he displayed him in his house in a case of unbreakable glass. Now that's commitment!
Boromir: In the movie, Galadriel was never shown giving Boromir his gift, nor was his gift mentioned at all. I mean they were about to kill him off anyway. In the book, he received a solid gold belt shaped with gold leaves.
Hope you enjoyed the fun facts! Tell me if you want more! ;)

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