Chapter Twelve

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Sky's POV
I quietly packed my stuff in my temporary room. I reached up and grabbed my necklace. I was tempted to take it off but didn't. I left out the clothes I would be wearing tomorrow. Then set dmy bag beside my bed. I went outside and leaned on the carved railing that stood on the side of the path. The sun was slowly inching its way under the surface of the earth. It's colorful hue filling all of Rivendell with a lovely tint. I felt a presence behind me and quickly twisted around to see who it was. Before me stood the blonde haired elf. I smiled at him. He smiled back then went and leaned on the railing. He stared into the sunset. His blue eyes reflecting the colors. I went back to leaning on the railing and pondering the beauty of the painting that filled the sky.
"What is your name young hobbit?"he asked turning to look at me.
"My name is Skylar Hopesinger, but you can just call me Sky,"I answered kindly.
"I am Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood,"he told me. This made me immediately turn to him and curtsy.
"Lord Prince,"I said bowing my head still a bit astonished.
"Please do not call me Prince. Just call me Legolas,"he begged.
"Of course, Legolas,"I apologized my cheeks turning red from embarrassment.
"I have a question for you, Skylar,"he told me.
"Just Sky please,"I corrected. He nodded.
"How did you get the whole council room to quiet down? I don't believe that has ever been done by anyone else then Elrond "he questioned.
"I guess it was just that they didn't expect me to speak much less scream,"I replied.
"No it wasn't that. I believe it was the power in your voice,"he reckoned.
"What power? I'm just a hobbit,"I shook my head.
"You have no idea.......Sky,"he said testing my nickname.
"I don't understand. I am nothing in this world. Just a adopted hobbit who has no power not even to defeat her own fears,"I mumbled. He shook his head.
"I'm..............different,"I whispered almost inaudibly. A strange silence settled as the night fell and the elves lit their silver lanterns. Legolas didn't move. When I could hardly keep my eyes open I went to bed. I let my body sink into the soft feather mattress and allowed sleep to overtake me.
A knock woke me from my sleep. It was still dark outside but it was slowly lightening up. I forced myself to get out of bed and go to the door. I opened it to find Pippin outside. I pulled him inside by his hand. Taking a match I lit the candle beside my bed.
"Good morning, Pippin,"I yawned.
"Good morning, Sky,"he said pulling me into a hug.
"Are you ready for today?"he asked.
"I guess I am,"I replied nonchalantly while inside I was really a nervous wreck. Pippin must of saw my nervousness cause he sat me down on my bed and sat down beside me. He gently took my hand. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I don't understand how he knows what I'm feeling even when I try to hide it. It's like he can see straight through me. Somehow that's a good thing.
"I am nervous too,"he said answering the silent question my mind was asking.
"Why?"I asked curiously.
"Well I've never been on an adventure like this,"he replied softly.
"That makes two,"I smiled,"I'm glad you're coming."
"I don't think I could've let you go,"he joked,"I mean your the only person who enjoys prank wars besides Merry and enjoys a playful game of tag or hide-in-go-seek. You're unique. One of kind. No one in all of Middle Earth is like you."
"I guess being different isn't so bad after all,"I whispered so only I could hear.
"Have you packed your stuff?"I asked.
"Yes, it's outside your door,"he replied. I picked up the pile of clothes I laid out yesterday.
"You stay out here. I'm going to go change in the washroom,"I ordered. He nodded. I quickly dressed myself in my new purple blouse and black pants. I fastened my silver belt and dagger on then brushed the knots out of my hair and braided it. I laid the silver headdress on top of my head then I walked out carrying my dirty clothes in my arm. I quickly placed them in my bag and grabbed my bow and arrows. I turned to see Pippin staring at me in awe. He quickly averted his gaze to the floor his cheeks blushing a bright pink.
"Where did you get such a pretty outfit?"he asked curiously.
"Bilbo,"I smiled.
"Of course! What life lesson on boys did he give you this time?"Pippin laughed.
"Nothin much,"I giggled. I sat back down beside him and looked into his light green eyes. They were systemizing. Even if I tried I could not take my eyes away. I was dumb enough to look into them now I knew I must suffer the consequence (not that it would be bad or any thing). So I just sat there and stared into his eyes.
Pippin's POV
My gaze was stuck in her dark green eyes again. I could not avert my eyes. It was like at Bree. She was leaning in. I was leaning in also. Her lips brushed against mine and sent fireworks off in my mind.
Skylar's POV
My eyes were still staring deep within his. My lips touched his lips sending a feeling like one you get by being struck by lightening. I pulled away suddenly. It was same feeling a had in Bree when we had our first kiss. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I ran until my room was out of sight. I ran until I was utterly loss. I don't know why I ran away from him. I guess it was the realization that he was in love with me and I was in love with him. That this crazy hobbit (who at times can be really stupid) is my One. So I ran. I ran from the truth. I ran until my legs gave out and my heart was beating out of my chest. I fell in a small outdoor plaza that was truly beautiful. It sat upon the side of a mountain and had a glorious view. In the center was a table carved out of stone. It was surrounded by four silver chairs that supposedly were for taller people than hobbits. Great stone pillars held up a decorated roof. There was a platform that hung off the side of the mountain. This is where I took a seat. Maybe someone would find me here and bring me back to Gandalf. I felt like a tiny child who lost their mother in a party because they wandered to far into the excitement.
Someone did come tho they didn't come for me. They came to be alone. To spend a few moments to them self. The sight of me sitting their utterly ruined the red haired dwarf's attempts to be alone. Tho he didn't show it with a facial expression I saw the aggravation in his eyes. Instead of leaving he sat down beside me.
"Hello, lass, what are you doing way out here?"the dwarf asked in his gruff voice.
"I was just taking a walk and decided to stop and rest,"I lied.
"Why were you taking a walk by yourself?"he questioned not believing me.
"I needed to think,"I said.
"Well anyway, my name Gimli. What's yours lass?"he smiled.
"It's Skylar but you can call me Sky,"I replied.
"That's a pretty name lass. Your mother must have known it would suit you well,"he complemented. I gave him a sad nod. A tear streamed down my face at the mention of my dead mother.
"I'm sorry, lass. I didn't know that what I said would hurt you. I am truly sorry,"he apologized.
"It fine. I'm fine. It doesn't matter anymore. It's gone and pass,"I cried. I wrapped my fingers around the dragon necklace that was the only thing I had left of her.
"So you're the one who made the whole council shut up,"he said changing the conversation. I wiped away my tears quickly to prove I wasn't that weak.
"Yeah, I became a bit too popular lately,"I shook my head. He gave a hearty laugh.
"Well we better start heading back. I'd hate for the company to leave us,"I said standing to my feet. Gimli just sat their lazily.
"They won't leave us,"he replied nonchalantly.
"I wouldn't be so sure. Legolas was giving you a very nasty look yesterday,"I smiled at the remembrance.
"You go on. I'll be there soon,"he said with a wave of his hand.
"We have one small problem, Gimli,"I said my cheeks reddening in embarrassment.
"What?"he grumbled.
"I don't know the way back,"I squeaked. He let out a laugh.
"So you weren't taking a friendly stroll,"he smiled. I shrugged my shoulders.
"Okay, lassie, I'll take you back,"he sighed standing up. He grumpily showed me the way to where the fellowship was all the while talking my ears off.
When we arrived at our destination, I found that we were not the only ones who was late. Aragorn was nowhere to be found. Elrond was waiting patiently on a raised platform. Elves gathered intently, staying in separate crowds, waiting to see us off. Pippin and Merry were laughing and talking as usual and Frodo just stood in silence. I walked over to where Legolas was standing and stood beside him. The blonde man came over and asked me what my name was. I answered him but asked his in return. He informed me that he was Boromir of Gondor. Our conversation was stopped by Elrond (who I noticed always seemed grumpy XD).
"The Ringbearer is setting out on the quest to Mount Doom and you who travel with him, no oath or bond is laid to go further than will. Farewell. Hold to your purposes and may the blessings of elves, and men, and all free folk go with you,"he announced in a loud voice.
"The fellowship awaits the Ringbearer,"Frodo hesitated then walked forward. He hesitated once more before we were on the right path. This made me smile. Everyone else had grim looks on their faces like they had seen war their whole lives or like fate had never granted them something good. I immediately knew I was going to have to be the cheerful one cause everyone else had already decided to be a stick in the mud.

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