Chapter Twenty-nine

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Pip's POV

Treebeard gently placed us on the ground laying Skylar beside us. I kept my eyes on the ground hoping the White Wizard wouldn't pull me under his spell. Some fear inside me made my whole body tremble as he spoke the words, "Lift your heads." Slowly I lifted my head and looked straight into the wizard's eyes...straight into Gandalf's eyes. They looked at me with the warmth of a father. I thought I never would see those eyes again, but there they kind and loving.

"Gandalf..." I mumbled.

"Gandalf? Yes, I believe that was once what I was called," he replied with a smile. I grinned happily.

"We thought you were dead!" Merry cried pulling him into a hug. I joined the hug.

"My job was not yet finished," he replied as we let go of him. He walked over to Skylar and bent down beside her unconscious body. He stroked her head and her eyes fluttered open. As she looked at him, they widened.

"Am I dead?" she whispered.

"No, my dear, you are very much alive," Gandalf chuckled.

"B-but you're dead..." she replied confused. He gave her a warm smile.

"Skylar, do not question the things that have happened only question how you will use the time allotted to us." Gandalf helped her up, and she pulled him into a hug. I waited patiently to the side. Her eyes caught sight of me and she let go of Gandalf. She ran up and pulled me into a big hug.

"You're safe!" she mumbled nuzzling her face into my neck. Her soft breath tickled my skin sending an electric feeling up my spine.

"Yes, I am safe, but the only thing that matters to me is that you are safe." I replied softly. Gandalf chuckled.

"Ok, you two, that's enough," he said then turned toward Treebeard. "Take care of them. I have business to attend to. Stay out of trouble, Took and Brandybuck. Make sure they don't do anything idiotic, Skylar."

"Yes, sir!" Sky said with a laugh. Gandalf hugged her one more time then disappeared into the foliage.

"Come, little ones, I must call a council meeting," Treebeard informed us as he lifted us on his shoulder. When we settled, he started his long (slow) walk to wherever he was going. I had a feeling this was going to be very...boring so I closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride.

Sorry guys life has been so crazy and I know you don't want to hear my sob story, but to get to the point your comments are what kept me going. Thank you! : )

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