Chapter Twenty-two

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Hello lovelies! First I would like to say I'm sorry about the long wait...again. This time I can blame it on driver's ed. I would also like to ask you fi you would like me to split this story up into to books. I mean it's y'all's choice. I'm up for anything. Well I hope  you enjoy this chapter. Please give me feedback. I love it when I get comments whether they are constructive or encouraging. :-)


Sky's POV

We rushed down the halls of Dwarrowdelf.

"This way," Gandalf cried leading us down the hall. The goblins swarmed us like ants, creeping down the walls and running from every tunnel. The hall was now full of the nasty filth. Suddenly a deafening roar echoed through the room. The hallway was illuminated with a flickering light that could only be described as fire. All of the goblins froze in their tracks and began to back up.

"What is this new devilry?" Boromir questioned nervously. BOOM! BOOM! A huge shadow fell across the hall surrounded by quavering flames. The whole earth shook. I moved closer to Pippin.

"A Balrog...a demon of the ancient world! This foe is beyond any of you!" Gandalf silently replied. His voice changed into an urgent cry as he yelled, "Run! Quickly!" Another roar sounded throughout as a tall, dark creature with a mane of fire stomped into the room. In one hand he carried a sword of fire and in the other a whip. Aragorn took the lead. We climbed up a crumbing staircase with the Balrog on our tail. Gandalf was falling behind. Aragorn sent him a concerned look.

"Lead them on, Aragorn. The bridge is near," Gandalf ordered. Aragorn hesitated. Gandalf sent him a look.

"Do as I say; swords are of no more use here," the wizard huffed. Soon we came to a place where the stairs had fallen away. Aragorn grabbed Frodo and threw him across. Next he reach for Gimli. The dwarf growled.

"Nobody tosses a dwarf!" he sneered.

"Gimli, we have no time for this nonsense. It's do or die!" I scolded. Aragorn picked me up and threw me across then jumped across himself. Boromir threw Merry then jumped over with Pippin. Legolas smirked at me. He ran forward and grabbed Gimli jumping across the chasm. I stifled at laugh. Gimli had a pouty look plastered on his face. Gandalf levitated over in some form or fashion then we were off again. The Balrog was right behind us.

"Over the bridge! Fly!" Gandalf yelled from the back. We made are way recklessly over the foreboding bridge. Gandalf stopped in the middle. I turned around.

"Gandalf! What are you doing?!" I yelled. He motioned for me to keep moving. The Balrog now stood at the edge of the bridge. It let out another deafening roar.

"You cannot pass!" The wizard hissed raising his sword and staff.

"Gandalf!" Frodo cried looking back in horror. I grabbed his hand and pulled him.

"He knows what he's doing, Frodo," I assured him, but it felt more like I was assuring myself.

"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun," Gandalf yelled. The Balrog stepped onto the bridge.

"Go back to the shadow!" the old man continued to yell slashing at the monster with his sword. The Balrog sliced at him. Gandalf quickly blocked it. A piercing noise filled the air as the creature's sword shattered.

"You shall not pass!" he screamed slamming his staff on the ground. Half of the bridge fell away sending the Balrog plummeting into the deep pit, but before he disappeared into the darkness, he slashed his whip out. It entangled Gandalf's leg pulling him down into the hole. He managed to cry one last sentence before falling into the oblivion, "Fly, you fools!"

"No!!!" Frodo cried. Tears streamed down my face, but I knew I had to keep going. My heart was shattered, yet I ignored it. It was painful. I had just lost a friend...a father, but I must finish what he began. I continued to pull Frodo my body numb. We made it to the other side. Daylight was streaming through an opening, or was it darkness? Arrows were whistling past us. I didn't care. The world was falling in around me. The exit was closer than ever, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered anymore. We were out. We were safe, for now. I fell to my knees overtaken by sadness. I punched the ground angrily tears blurring my vision. I bit my lip. An arm wrapped around me. Hands held my bleeding fists. I looked up. It was Pippin. His face was swollen from tears. He tore two pieces of cloth off his shirt and tied them around my hands in attempt to stop the bleeding.

"We can get through this together, Sky. You're not alone," he mumbled. I hugged him.

"Why? Why did he have to die?" I sniffled.

"Well...fate is a strange thing. He was just ready to go, I guess, but we can't give up now. This is just the beginning of the journey. This isn't the end. Gandalf wouldn't want us to give up here. He saw something in you. Something amazing and I see it too," he said wiping away a tear on my face. I looked away sadly.

"Look at me, Sky," he ordered. I did as he said. "What did I tell you that I would do?"

"Protect me," I sighed.

"I mean that. Even if Gandalf isn't here for us, it doesn't mean we can't fight for ourselves. I will not let anyone hurt you." He brushed the hair out of my face.

"Legolas, get them up!" Aragorn commanded.

"Give them a moment...for pity's sake!" Boromir cried.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with Orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come, Boromir, Legolas. Gimli, get them up. On your feet, Sam. Come on, Skylar, Peregrine," Strider looked around nervously. Deep in his eyes I could see sorrow. Legolas walked over to me and held out his hand. I accepted it and allowed him to help me up.

"Are you ok, Sky?" he whispered. I nodded unsurely. Pippin stood up and sent me a sad smile. One thought ran through my mind, This is my family. Yes, it's a little broken, but we get through the hard times together.

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