Chapter Five

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Sky's view
Gandalf definitely had another idea. He forced Sam to come with us on the journey. After Sam had packed we headed toward the path that we would be taking. When the rolling hills stopped and forests began Gandalf bid us farewell and left to take care of wizard business. We stopped by a large tree to rest and eat supper. Frodo climbed the tree and sat down in it. I helped Sam prepare supper but stopped and watched part of the sunset. Sam wouldn't stop complaining about having to leave the Shire. When I finally had heard enough of his pouting I decided to take a walk. I brought my bow and arrows along just in case even though I had no idea how to shoot them. The forest was beautiful even at night. The moon provided a glimmer which made the forest look enchanted. I examined the night sky naming off each constellation I could remember. I climbed a tall tree and sat in its highest branch. The sky was absolutely gorgeous. Each star illuminated the darkness. A bright star caught my eye. It shined above all the rest. It was the star named Elindil. It has been said that you can see Elindil from anywhere in Middle Earth. The stars always bring back unwanted memories. Memories of my parents and now these memories came flooding into my mind.
"Daddy! Daddy!"I squealed jumping into his lap. He and mom were sitting on a blanket talking about the weather. They had brought me to a large open valley where we were going camp out. I had just finished watching the sunset. I always loved the beauty of them. All different colors painting a pretty picture in the sky. What I didn't see was why the picture had to be ruined by a horrible darkness. That is why my parents took me camping to show me there is just as much beauty in the black picture as in the colorful picture.
"Just watch, darling ,"he instructed. I examined the black sky looking for the beauty my father was speaking of. The moon had ascended into the sky making the earth sparkle in its dim light. Then I saw small lights spark up all over the dark sky. Beautiful silver lights illuminated the darkness.
"Fireflies!"I squealed jumping to my feet.
"No, sweetie, those are stars,"he informed. I sent him I confused look. I reached up and tried to touch them but they were too high. I jumped but it didn't help. My father lifted me up on his shoulders and pointed to on of the stars. I turned my head to where he was pointing and saw a bright star. It's silvery light shone down on us like a spotlight.
"That's Elindil. It is said that you see it anywhere in Middle Earth,"he told me.
"It's beautiful, daddy,"I said.
"Yes it is pretty. But not as pretty as you,"he replied tickling me.
"And momma!"I managed to squeal through giggles.
"Oh no we wouldn't wont to forget momma would we,"he piped.
"We wouldn't,"I answered. Then dad sat me on the ground. He got on his knees and gave me a sad smile.
"Sweetie if you ever loose us just remember to look to the stars and that's where we'll be,"he promised.
-End of Flashback-
"I love you mom. I love you dad,"I whispered staring at Elindil. I could almost hear their precious voices in my ear whispering,"We love you too sweetie." By now tears were streaming freely down my face.
"I miss y'all "I mouthed. I quietly climbed down the tree and headed back to the camp.
"There you are,"said Sam relieved to see me.
"He was about to go looking for you. He might have even asked the elves that just passed by to help him with his hunt,"Frodo added.
"Elves? Were they heading toward the Elven Ports?"I questioned.
"Yeah. How did you know?"he answered.
"My parents taught me about them. My dad said he would take me down to the ports one day but.........."I mumbled.
"But what?"Frodo asked.
"That's a bit of a touchy subject for her,"Sam informed him.
"Sorry,"Frodo apologized. I nodded then pulled out my blanket, journal, and pen. I sat down in front of a tree and leaned my back against. I I threw the cover over my legs then opened up my notebook to the first page. I started jotting down a song I had just made up. I ignored Sam's complaints about not being able to sleep. When I had finished writing I looked up at Elindil then quickly drew what I saw at the bottom of the page. Sam walked over to where I was sitting and peered at my drawing. Frodo walked over too.
"Is that a song, Sky?"Frodo questioned. I nodded then continued drawing.
"Can you sing it for us?"Sam asked. I looked at him like he was crazy. His face changed to a pleading look.
"Please. It might help Sam fall asleep and that would stop his complaints,"Frodo begged. Sam sent him an offended look then turned back to me.
"I'll sing it for you if you go sit down and stop gathering around me. You're making me cloister phobic,"I replied.
Frodo's POV
I went and sat on the opposite side of the fire. Sam followed me but instead of sitting he laid down. I passed him a blanket and he accepted it gratefully. Sky moved a bit closer to the fire. Her eyes sparkled in the light. She was a very pretty girl. She looked down at her journal then began to sing. Her high voice was soft and sweet. Her song gave meaning but her voice multiplied it. She sang:
A tiny spark up in the sky
Looking down when up so high
Shining in the darkest hour
Waking up the midnight flowers

Then the star came crashing down
Leaving stardust on the ground
Darkness saw its chance right then.
And took over the world of men
Leaving grief and desperation
With no room for inspiration

But a star was born that day
It only purpose was to save
It stood up for what was right
And soon it rose into the night
Day by day it's brightness grew
Giving darkness little room

So don't give up or turn away
Listen to these words I say
Your the star the world's the night
Your the one who shines the light

Shine it strong and shine it bright
Shine it from the highest height
Shine it in the darkest hours
Go wake up the midnight flowers
Just Shine On
When she stopped singing the forest went utterly quiet. I longed to hear her voice again but I knew it was too much to ask. I gave her around of applause then turned to see if Sam was awake. He wasn't. He was fast asleep snoring ever so softly. I turned my gaze back to Sky and stared at her. She course didn't notice for she was to busy looking at the stars. I walked over and sat beside her. She pointed it out a bright star and said,"That's Elindil, the star of the North."
"Is that the one you drew in your notebook?"I asked.
"It is,"she replied.
"It's pretty, but not as pretty as you,"I said. I turned to see her facial expression. Instead of a smile I earned tears.
"I'm sorry, Sky. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was just telling the truth,"I apologized.
"It's fine. You didn't know. What you said just brought back memories,"she assured hiding her face.
"Are you sure you're okay? I could go wake up Sam,"I asked softly.
"I'm okay. Let Sam sleep. There's no need to worry him,"she replied quietly,"Go get some rest for I fear we want get much of it soon." I nodded then walked back to where I was sleeping. I quickly covered up and let sleep overtake me.

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