Chapter Seventeen

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Sky's POV
I cuddled closer to Pippin. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I pecked a kiss on his cheek.
"When do you suppose the rest of the group will be coming back?" I whispered to him.
"Any time now," he answered softly.
"Should we go prepare a fire?" I asked.
"Yes that would probably be a good idea. Merry and I will go find some fire wood," he replied letting go of me. He stood to his feet and held out his hand to help me up.
"My lady," he grinned.
"Thank you, my dear sir," I giggled taking his hand. Merry and Pip set off in search of fire wood leaving me and Sam behind.
"I going to go find some berries and maybe tried out my archery skills by killing a rabbit," I told Sam then left the camp with a small bag, my bow, and my quiver. On my belt hung my dagger. Soon I found a bush of ripe berries. I stuffed as many as I could into the bag then continued to roam through the woods searching for something to shoot. To my surprise I found something very quickly, a deer, in fact. I silently creeped into range then notched an arrow into my bow. I made a nice clean shot right toward the heart. The arrow pierced threw it's skin and the beautiful creature fell dead. I bit back unwanted memories of my past and thought only of how supper would be scrumptious.
"Nice shot," a voice behind me congratulated. I turned around to see Aragorn and Boromir. Boromir had a particularly large grin on his face.
"Thank you," I said pleased.
"Glad to see your up," Strider announced. I nodded. Boromir stepped forward and lifted up the deer in his arms.
"This is a big one," the blonde headed man said. We trudged back to camp proud of the prizes we returned with. Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Gimli had a large fire going and a large stack of fire wood placed to the side.
"Welcome back," Sam greeted leading Boromir to a log so they could prepare the deer.
"Lass, which one of the men shot down the deer?" Gimli asked me.
"Actually, Skylar shot him," Aragorn replied.
"How?" Merry and Pippin questioned in unison.
"With Legolas's lessons," I answered nonchalantly. There was a rustling of bushes. Out stepped the rest of the company, Gandalf in the lead and Legolas in the tail. Gandalf and Frodo plopped down onto a fallen log without saying a word. 'Must be in a bad mood' I thought to myself. To my surprise Legolas walked over to me and enwrapped me in a brotherly hug.
"I'm sorry...for failing you," he apologized head hung low.
"You didn't fail me. You shouldn't be apologizing. I'm fine," I said protectively. He smiled then walked away.
We had a marvelous supper of deer meat and berries. Laughter filled the air as we enjoyed the hearty supper. Afterwards we dozed by the fire. I leaned my head on Pippin's shoulder. He kissed my forehead leaving a warm feeling behind that spread through my body. I let out a happy sigh then allowed sleep to overtake me.
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A ruff shaking woke me from my slumber. I opened my eyes slowly silently hoping to see Pippin's face. I sat up and stared face to face with Frodo.
"Sorry to wake you Sky. Gandalf said we should probably go," he said. It was still dark outside and sunrise wasn't anytime soon.
"Why are we leaving in the middle of the night?" I asked.
"Gandalf thinks we're being followed again," he sighed. I nodded then pulled off my covers. He held out his hand to help me up. I accepted it. On my feet, we stood face to face. Frodo's eyes went into a dreamy daze.
"Sky I'm in love with you," he mumbled.
"What?" I scoffed.
"I'm in love with you," he repeated. I shook my head not knowing what to do.
"Frodo, please don't take this wrong, but I'm in love with Pippin. You're just my friend, Frodo, a good friend to be exact. I believe I'll hurt you more then help you. Please don't let this destroy are friendship," I informed him grimly. A pained look came across his face then it turned to one of anger and he stormed off. Poor Frodo. I wish it had never come to that.
I speedily packed my belongings then ate a small snack. We continued to hike toward the gate of Moria highly aware of the danger it might hold. Gimli was ecstatic his family.
"Can you believe, lass, that I have the honor of entering into the halls of Moria?" He chirped.
"That must be a big honor," I smiled.
"You bet," he replied.
Frodo was in a foul mood so was Gandalf. Obviously there was something he was hiding. I fell in pace beside Pip who was still half asleep. I kissed his cheek. He smiled. I grabbed his hand and held it.
"Can you sing a song for me, my darling?" He asked softly.
"Of course, but which one should I sing?" I replied eager to please.
"Anyone," he shrugged.
I searched my mind for a song. When I had found the perfect one, I began.
The road is tough,
And I am weary,
But I must stay strong you see.
For at the end of my journey,
The future waits to welcome me.

Through many struggles may this path lead me,
But I will not let hope run out.
For if you stay close beside me,
Then we'll stay strong and stout.

So let this road continue,
Until we reach end.
Then and there will we be happy,
And will our journey end.

I'll Protect You (Lotr fan fiction/Pippin love story)Where stories live. Discover now