Chapter Twenty-four

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Sky's POV
I couldn't sleep. My thoughts were unsettled, and my heart was in pain. So I sat there staring into the glistening silver lights and listening to the sorrowful voices of the elves.   Pippin walked over to where I was and sat beside me.
"Are you okay?" He whispered. I nodded.
"You sure?" Pip pushed.
"I'm sure," I replied. "I think I'm going to take a walk." I stood to my feet.
"Ok...please don't get lost," he sighed. I walked out of the room and down the dirt path. I didn't know where I was going. I just let my heart lead me. Soon I found myself sitting on the stairs of one of the trees. With my finger, I drew a heart in the dirt then scribbled it out. I swiped the mess away with my foot, and bent down on my knees. This time I was determined I would draw something good.  I sketched out a key with wicker heart at the top.
"That's beautiful, my dear, you have quite a skill at drawing," a voice said. I spun around to find the elf king.
"Thank you," I replied keeping my head down.
"What is your name?"
"Skylar...Skylar Hopesinger."
"Mine is Celeborn. Why are you alone?"
"I'm trying to sort everything out...sometimes my life doesn't make since. Wherever I am it seem something bad happens."
"I think that you are sorting it out in all the wrong ways." He sat down beside me.
"What do you mean?"
"You take all the bad things and say they point to you when really, my dear, they are but examples of the strength that such a little person can have. I can see that you are abounding with energy. Yes I can see that you're hurt too, but sometimes we need to be broken to become stronger. You have a very important role to play in the weeks to come...a very important role indeed."
"So I need to look at it as tests?"
"Yes. Some will be difficult and rough, other will be easy."
"I think I get all the hard ones."
"Gandalf may have passed on, but his legacy still lasts. It will last forever. He has set a memory in the heart of Middle Earth that is unchangeable." I sighed and looked away tears filling my eyes.
"Look at me, Skylar. Death is a promised thing. It was just his time to leave." Celeborn wiped the tears off of my face then helped me up.
"I think I understand what you mean...thank you." I smiled at him. He smiled back.
"You're welcome, my dear. You are welcome in Lothlorien anytime. Now you best return to your friends before they start worrying."
"Yes, sir." I walked back down the path I had came till I found the others. Pippin looked relieved. I sat down beside him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He smiled at me. I smiled back then closed my eyes and let my exhaustion take over.

I'll Protect You (Lotr fan fiction/Pippin love story)Where stories live. Discover now