Chapter Thirty-three

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It was early in the morning of the next day when the Ents finally came to their decision. The world around us was still dark, and the sun even now had a few more hours of rest. We, unlike the sun, did not get any sleep. For most of the night, the three of us tossed and turned stressing over the decision of the Ent Moot. I had moved away from the others halfway through the meeting and was writing in the dirt when Treebeard brought us the news.

"The Ents cannot hold back this storm. We must weather such things as we have always done," he announced.

"How can that be your decision?!!" Merry cried out in annoyance.

"This is not our war."

"But you're part of this world! You must help, please! You must do something!"

"You are young and brave, Master Merry. But your part in this tale is over. Go back to your home." With that, Treebeard walked away. I wasted no time chasing after him leaving the boys to talk amongst themselves.

"Treebeard! How can you just give up like this?! Are you so blind to the soon coming fate of the world? Once the few brave are killed, the land will fill with orcs. The whole world will ignite in an inferno, and there will be no one left to fight. They will destroy your forest, They give no mercy! I know that firsthand," I screamed angrily.

"Young Sky, you must understand we Ents have not fought in a war for a very long long time. There are so few of us left. I cannot risk putting us into extinction."

"Would you fight if it was your only choice?!"

"Yes, little one, I would, but it is not my only choice. I must choose the path that is the best for the Ents. Now, our mind has been made up so gather your friends, and I will escort you to the edge of the forest closest to your home." After he said this I sighed and returned to where Merry and Pippin were.

"Any luck?" Merry asked. I shook my head.

"They will only fight if they are in danger." He frowned at my words.

"It seems are journey has been ought for nothing..."

"Don't say such things, Merry. Our journey wasn't for nothing, and besides it's not over yet. I promise." I sent him a determined smile then left to go get a sip of water before we set off.


"I will leave you at the western borders of the forest. You can make your way north to your homeland from there," Treebeard said as he carried us through the woods. I let out a sigh and leaned back against his branches closing my eyes. Beside me, Pippin sat up causing me to reopen my eyes. He had a determined look on his face.

"Wait! Stop! Stop!" Pippin cried bringing the Ent to a sudden stop. "Turn around. Turn around. Take us south!"

"South? But that will lead you past Isengard." Treebeard voice was lined with confusion. I perked up realizing what he was doing.

"Please take us south! It is simply the best direction for us to go!" I chimed in.

"Yes. Exactly. If we go south we can slip past Saruman unnoticed. The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm. It's the last thing he'll expect," Pip continued.

"Mmmm. That doesn't make sense to me," the the still befuddled tree said then he shrugged it off. "But then, you are very small. Perhaps you're right. South it is then. Hold on, little Shirelings. I always like going south. Somehow it feels like going down hill."

"Are y'all mad? We'll be caught!" Merry whispered to us just as confused as Treebeard was.

"No we won't. Not this time," Pip replied determinedly and I nodded in agreement.

And so it was decided we were heading South to Isengard. Our journey was not yet over. We still had much farther to go.

"And a little family of mice that climb up sometimes and they tickle me awfully. They're always trying to get somewhere where they—Oh!" Treebeard stopped talkingh as we broke through the edge of the forest into a large charred field. In the distance, Saruman's tower stood ominously. Treebeard's eyes filled with sadness, and we knew our plan was working. "Many of these trees were my friends. Creatures I had known from but and acorn."

"I'm sorry," Pippin consoled him. Tears filled the Ent's eyes.

"They had voices of their own," his gaze moved toward the tower and anger filled his features. "Saruman! A wizard should know better!" He then let out a ferocious roar that echoed throughout the forest. "There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of men for this treachery. My business is with Isengard tonight. With rock and stone!" A mighty rumbling filled the air causing the three of us to turn around. Ents appeared out of the forest. All sizes, small and big, were gathering for the coming battle. I let out a 'whoop' and pumped my fist in the air.

"Yes!" Merry cried.

"Hoorarooom...Come my friends. The Ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. Last march of the Ents!" Treebeard exclaimed as he began to run toward Isengard. The orcs were totally unprepared for the sudden attack as the Ents stomped on them and threw their bodies around like rag dolls. Giant boulders flew through the air smashing any orcs that happen to cross their paths. A group of Ents fought there way toward the dam that held back the river that flowed down from the mountain. Merry, Pippin, and I did are part by killing random orcs with stones. The orcs now understanding what was happening started using fire and axes against us. Around the four of us, Ents were being lit on fire or chained down and chopped to death. I looked up to the Ents near the dam. It was almost broken. Pip threw a stone at a orc killing him on impact.

"Yes!" Peregrine cried.

"A hit. A fine hit!" Treebeard added to his excitement.

"Ready yourself!" I warned them. "The dam is about break

"Yes, that's it!" the Ent shouted. "Break the dam! Release the river!" Suddenly it broke and water came gushing forth cleansing the filth of orcs and fire from the land.

"Pippin! Sky! Hold on!" Merry told us. Listening to my friend, I tightened my grip on Treebeard.

"Hold on, little hobbits!" the large creature braced himself digging his roots into the ground and standing firm. The water was strong and cold. It washed away all the disgusting structures and left behind a clean slate. I smiled as I overlooked what we had accomplished. We had won this battle, but there was still a wretched wizard hiding himself in the safety of the tower. Now it was time to wait.


We have now officially finished the Two Towers. Two short stories will be put on tomorrow at 11:30 PM eastern time. On Monday, we will begin the Return of the King.

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