Chapter Fifteen

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I feel like such a failure. I'm so sorry for not updating. I had horrible writers block. To make up I made this chapter longer. ENJOY!!!
Pip's POV
Muffled crying woke me from my sleep. I pushed off my warm blanket and sat up. It was Sky. She was having another nightmare. Every night she would wake up screaming or crying from one. I walked over to her and roused her from her troubled sleep. I pulled her into a hug and held her close to me.
"I thought if I told my story I would rid myself of these nightmares...Aragorn told me it would didn't," she stuttered tears streaming down her face. I looked into her eyes.
"Maybe he didn't mean it the way you're thinking...maybe he meant to say the others will protect you from your past...I'll protect just have to accept me and the fact that I'm deeply in love with you, Skylar Hopesinger. I have been deeply in love with you from the day Sam introduced you to me and I will stay deeply in love with you till the day I die. I'll protect you, my darling," I told her stroking her hair away from her eyes.
"I don't know what to say...I guess I'll start with I love you too, Peregrine Took. I have been trying to reject the feeling for months because I had no idea how to react. I mean who would like a puny orphan anyway, but every time you came close to me my heart began to beat faster. I would love for you to protect me," she said with that beautiful smile I had come to love. We drew closer to each other pulled by love. Our lips collided and my whole world spun. I wrapped my arm around her and drew her closer. It felt like a lifetime before we let go of each other. She leaned her head on my shoulder. For a moment I thought everything was going perfect then Merry's voice invaded the beauty of the moment.
"Finally," he cried, "you two are together. It took long enough." He walked toward us.
"Really, Merry," I grumbled.
"You thought no one was watching didn't you. You thought you were the only one who was awake. Well you just got suckered. Now you really feel like my little sis, Sky," Merry grinned.
"Please tell no one," I begged my cousin.
"I will tell no one who doesn't already know," he promised.
"What do you mean by: 'who doesn't already know'?" Sky asked.
"Well, I'm not the only one who was woken by your crying," as Merry said this Sam walked over to us. Sam enwrapped Sky in a hug.
"You're not mad at me?" she mumbled.
"Of course not!" He assured. "If anything I'm proud. I wish I had your courage."
"Can you promise me something then?" she asked Sam.
"What?" he questioned.
"Promise me that when this journey is over you will ask Rosie to marry you."
"I don't know, Sky...I mean..."
"Promise me, Sam."
"I promise." She smiled at him.
"Well that settles that. Just know that I love you Sam forever and always."
"I know. I love you too...forever and always." He rolled his eyes knowing she already knew that.
"Guys we should probably go back to bed," Merry announced. I grabbed my sleeping mat and placed it beside Skylar's. She laid down and I covered her up. Next I made myself comfy and covered up. I spent some time staring up at the stars trying to comprehend all that had just happened.
"Goodnight," I whispered over to Sky tho I knew she wouldn't answer for she was already asleep.  I then closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
Sky's POV
A gentle but rough shaking roused me from my sleep. I opened my eyes to see Pip's face staring down at me.
"Good morning, darling," he said softly so no one else could hear. Boy, I could totally get used to waking up like this.
"Good morning," I answered with a yawn.
"Time to leave," he informed me.
"Already," I grumbled.
"Yep," he said with a grin.
"Ten more minutes," I said rolling over and hiding my face under a pillow. This is when he started tickling me.
"Stop! Stop!" I giggled.
"Come on Sky you gotta get up."
"But it so boring to walk all day."
"Well, then we'll play a game."
"You promise."
"I promise now get up or I'll go get some cold water and dump it on your head"
"Okay! Okay! I'm getting up."
"I thought you would see it my way." I pushed back my covers and sat up. I went down by the stream and washed up then filled my canteen. When I returned to camp I noticed that Pip had packed up my sleeping mat and blankets. Sam had just finished breakfast. We all ate as much as we could then we shouldered our packs and headed on our way.
We slowly made our way up Caradhras. As Pip had promised, we played a game called "Impressions." We both chose someone to impersonate. Soon Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Merry, and Sam joined in.
"I will impersonate Lenny Ramble of Narrow Hollow," I announced then changed my voice to sound like the bratty hobbit, "'Sky, you're a nasty, stinky wood trotter. Who has no sense for the lasting peace of the Shire. Instead you ruin our lives with your disgusting little adventures and horribly evil pranks." There was a round of applause.
"I will impersonate the Riders of Rohan," Boromir said with a sly smile. All of the sudden he started prancing around as if he was on a horse and throwing imaginary spears. He gave a bow when he was finished and left me giggling.
"If it's my turn, I would like to impersonate my pa's friend Ori."Gimli informed us. " 'Lad, the sling shot is an amazing weapon, your just not the type of person who can handle it. So I would ask you to leave my training field and never return. I wouldn't want anyone else getting hurt from rocks that 'accidentally' hit their head.'"
"I would like to try to impersonate someone," said Legolas," but you must guess who. 'A wizard is never late! Nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.'"
"Gandalf!" I squealed. Gandalf turned toward us and cocked his eyebrow then gave a hearty laugh. A chilly gust of wind made me shiver.
"It's getting chilly," I said shivering.
"I noticed that too," Boromir said. I stopped walking to take out my cloak. I was about to put it on but Pip grabbed it from my hand.
"Allow me," he said throwing my cloak on my then buttoning it up.
"Thankyou," I smiled. He pulled me closer to him trying to keep me warm.
"Stay close and we can keep each other warm," Pippin whispered into my ear.
          🌟           🌟           🌟
My whole body was numb. My vision flickered in and out. I had lost Pippin when the snow began to fall. Now I found myself being dragged by Legolas. I drowned out the voices and focused solely on staying alive. The storm was growing rougher. All of the sudden I was buried deep in a pile of snow and my mind went black.
Legolas's POV
I had lost her by accident. The avalanche had fallen on us and now the little hobbit lass was nowhere to be found. I knew she was suffering, but I also knew that the only way she would find warmth was if we made it across.
Slowly the rest of the worn travelers dug their way out of the snow all except Skylar. I bent down and started digging through the death trap. I must find her. Moving away the snow I discovered the ghost-like body of Sky. I carefully picked her up and carried he over to where the other were.
"We're risking the hobbits lives trying to cross this mountain. There must be a safer path or at least one safer then this," I said motioning to the hobbits who where looking quite sick especially Frodo.
"I'm am afraid you are true. We must get off this horrid mountain for the the hobbits' sake," Gandalf replied.
"Let's hope they'll be able to survive the trip down," I mumbled sending Sky a brotherly look.
"Come, let us hurry," he said turning to head back down the mountain. With no regrets, I followed him.

I'll Protect You (Lotr fan fiction/Pippin love story)Where stories live. Discover now