Chapter Thirty

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This chapter is dedicated to @Oliveo5Ever
Thank y'all for everything y'all do. Keep up hope. These are dark times, but don't doubt the sun will rise.

Sky's POV
Thump...thump...thump. The familiar beat once again chased my thought. Every step the ent took the sound grew louder and louder. I could no longer feel my toes, but I had no right to complain, I was safe and well looked after. Beside me sat Pippin who was dozing off to sleep. I didn't dare bother him. He needed rest. We all did, but up until now the odds were not in our favor. I took a deep breath and tried to take my mind off of the constant thumping. How is Bilbo? Did he leave Rivendell yet? Are the others looking for us? Do they miss me? How did Gandalf not die? many questions and not a single answer. I grumbled. What a good use of my time! Asking questions that could not be answered. I had way more pressing matters to take care of.
"What bothers you, little one?" Treebeard asked.
"I have so many questions that I feel will never be answered," I sighed.
"It is good to have questions, but you must learn that the answers comes with patience. It is like asking a seed what it will look like when it grows up and then expecting to find out the next day. It is a lesson we all must learn."
"But what if the answer doesn't come?"
"Don't doubt, my dear. We are promised an answer to all are questions. It takes time. As a seed doesn't open in a day, the answers come after some wait. A fool rushes life, but a wise man takes his time and used every bit of it. He spends time questioning things and learning from those questions just as you are. Doubt is not a healthy thing."
"Why not?"
"Doubt is like saying you don't believe the sun will rise. Or you don't believe that you're going to do anything important. You take away your reason to strive harder even to live. Because what is the point of waking up in the morning if you're not going to do anything. Doubt is like a leech. It slowly takes away every hope, every point in life, and when it's done you're nothing."
"But how do you get rid of doubt?"
"Child, you believe. You believe that you have a purpose. You believe that you can and you will. You believe that if you work hard enough your dreams will come true. You wait for the sun to rise and birds to sing and know they're real. You find things that no matter what happens they will anchor you to a spot that you once again can learn to believe. A spot that will chase away doubt and give you hope."
"...thank you, Treebeard." I replied after digesting what he had said.
"You're welcome, young one." He said then returned to the silence that was there before.
Thump...thump...thump. What is my anchor?
Thump...thump...thump. Well, I know I am real. My heart is beating. I am inhaling and exhaling.
Thump...thump...thump. The forest is real. It's quite beautiful actually. The sunlight is beaming through the trees sending splatters of different greens everywhere. The forest floor is covered in squishy moss. I know that real.
Thump...thump...thump. The ent that I'm sitting on is real. His bark is ruff and scratches at my skin.
Thump...thump...thump. Merry is real. He is like a brother to me. He is smart and a prankster, but he is also kind and gentle.
Thump...thump...thump. Pippin is real. His lips are soft and inviting. His eyes are warm and filled with love. His whole demeanor makes me feel safe and protected. He is my anchor. He's what chases doubt away. He brings me to a place where I can believe. If he ever goes away, I will lose my anchor, the only thing that is keeping me from giving up. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He lifted up his arm and pulled me closer. I will believe that he won't leave me...I will have hope. I will not fall in to doubt...not today, not ever, not when he's by my side.

I'll Protect You (Lotr fan fiction/Pippin love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang